

Datos Técnicos
CoverActionPro 3.0
.PSD x 573 | Training | 11 GB
CoverActionPro tal y como su nombre lo indica, se trata de actions PSD editables con diferentes modelos para presentaciones de productos (portadas). Incluye plantillas y muchos modelos para libros, programas, revistas, etc.
  • 500+ Product Shot Mockups
  • 50 Pre-made Book Cover Templates
  • Complete Video Training Guide with Tips & Tricks
  • 2 Secret Bonuses

500 New Mockups
The largest (and only) collection of mockups specifically designed for the sales and marketing of your products
• Hardcover Books
• Paperback Books
• 3-Ring Binders
• Spiral Binders
• Comb Bound Books
• iPhones
• Laptop Computers
• iMacs & Displays
• iPads & Tablets
• Media Players
• DVD Cases
• Quick Start Guides
• Boxsets
• Landscape Books
• Software Boxes
• Suitcase Boxes
• Workbooks
• Screenshot Panels
• Multi-book Stacks

Your Products.
Now Sharper.
CoverActionPro 3.0 has been redesigned from the ground up with new 3D technology to make sure your book covers and products are displayed sharper and more dynamic then ever before.

Books with Different
Spine Sizes
Every book mockup comes in a variety of different spine widths. This way you can make sure your artwork fits right, and the thickness of your 3D mockup will show a proper representation of the actual pages in your book.

Hardcover Books
Get access to hundreds of Book mockups with different cover sizes and spine sizes. Always get the right fit, and select the perfect angle for your books.

When you use life-like 3D mockups, you’re likely to see an increase in sales without changing a single word on your cover.
• 4.25 x 7 in.
• 5 x 8 in.
• 5.5 x 8.5 in.
• 5.25 x 8 in.
• 6 x 9 in.
• 6.625 x 10.25 in.• 8 x 10 in.
• 8.5 x 8.5 in.
• 8.5 x 11 in.
• 9 x 7 in.
• 10 x 8 in.

Paperback Books
Along with Hardcover books you’ll also find over 100 paperback books in different sizes and angles. All the book mockups are organized by cover size so you can easily find the right fit for your project.
• 4.25 x 7 in.
• 5 x 8 in.
• 5.5 x 8.5 in.
• 5.25 x 8 in.
• 6 x 9 in.
• 6.625 x 10.25 in.• 8 x 10 in.
• 8.5 x 11 in.
• 9 x 7 in.
• 10 x 8 in.

Magazines & Workbooks
Give your digital ebooks and printed publications an edge with these new magazine mockups.
These mockups are created with extra gloss and shine to create the sharpest presentation for your publications.

Landscape Books
You will get access to a dozen of Landscape size book mockups. This orientation allows you to create more interesting layouts.

Have at your finger tips 3D mockups that are commonly used for Instructional books, Photography and story telling books for Children.
• 9 x 7 in.
• 10 x 8 in.
• 11 x 8.5 in.
• 12 x 9 in.
• 210 x 148 mm (A5)
• 297 x 210 mm (A4)

Binders & Notebooks
This set includes over a dozen of spiral-bound and comb-bound notebooks. Created with the online marketer in mind, you can use these mockups for short-course ebooks, or creating an incentive to get your prospects to take action and signup to your newsletter.

Website Displays & Devices
You will find a dozen of device mockups for showing websites and apps, but also for the display of training courses that can be viewed on multiple devices.
Every screen and cover is labeled with the correct pixel dimensions so your screenshots will look as if they are on the real devices themselves.

Book Boxsets
Start using Boxset mockups that are designed for sales and marketing and perfect for Amazon.
These Boxsets accommodate up to 25 books in a single box, ready for the largest book series and bundles. Create a sense of tangibility for your prospects and get them to take action.

Products & Study Courses
CoverActionPro 3.0 comes with the largest collection of mockups for products and online courses.

Media Players
Clearly communicate to your prospects that your content or product is in a multimedia format by making a player graphic for each module or section.

Software Boxes
You’ll get access to a collection of software boxes for marketing your computer applications and web apps.

Boxes can make an impression of tangibility in your prospects eyes and they create an identity for your product. You will increase the value, and give your creation a sense of solid craftsmanship and existence in the market.

50 Pre-Made Cover
Templates Included
Not a graphics designer? We have you covered with 50 pre-made cover templates that you wont find anywhere else. We’ve gathered together some of the best designers to make the ultimate template package for CoverActionPro.

Simply change the text on the templates to fit your own products. Have covers created in minutes, not days.

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CoverActionPro 3.0
Enlaces Públicos
CoverActionPro 3.0

[E.MAGNETICO] CoverActionPro 3.0


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