Datos Técnicos
Defense Grid: The Awakening Multilenguaje (Español) (PC-GAME)
Plataforma: PC | EXE | 628 MB | Medicina (Cracked) | Idiomas: Inglés, Francés, Italiano, Alemán, Español | Desarrollador: Hidden Path | Editor: Hidden Path Entertainment | Género: Estrategia, Tiempo real (Ciencia ficción) | Lanzamiento: 8 Dic 2008 | NFO
Defense Grid: The Awakening es un juego de estrategia en el que despliegas unas fortificaciones defensivas (torres) para evitar que unos alienígenas invasores roben tus núcleos de energía. De ti depende seleccionar las torres, escoger su emplazamiento y decidir el momento en el que lo haces, para conseguir proteger tu base de la mejor manera posible.

En un futuro lejano, la humanidad lucha contra un enemigo incansable que, aunque utiliza tácticas débiles, cuenta con un número de tropas aparentemente infinito. En un pequeño planeta, consiguieron expulsar con éxito a los invasores utilizando una avanzada tecnología para proteger los núcleos de energía que los alienígenas estaban desesperados por poseer. Uno de los generales de aquella guerra se ofreció voluntario para ser introducido en un ordenador y ayudar a la colonia en caso de que los alienígenas volvieran alguna vez.

  • Defense Grid: The Awakening es una revolución única dentro de los juegos de defensa con torres que gustará a jugadores de todos los niveles de habilidad. Una horda de enemigos nos invade, y el jugador debe detenerlos construyendo estratégicamente torres de fortificación alrededor de la base. Entornos magníficos, espectaculares efectos, y una banda sonora dinámica y atractiva dan vida a este mundo. Los controles son intuitivos y el juego profundo: las propiedades y ataques especiales de cada torre se combinan para conseguir distintas formas de alcanzar la victoria.
  • Alto nivel de rejugabilidad: Hay aproximadamente 8 horas de juego dentro de la historia principal, y gran cantidad de tiempo en los modos de desafío, donde los jugadores se enfrentan a unas condiciones iniciales y unos objetivos únicos. Es posible jugar una y otra vez cada nivel del juego y puedes resolverlo de muchas maneras diferentes, recibiendo mayores recompensas según el grado de eficacia.
  • Gran variedad de enemigos: Durante el juego, los jugadores se enfrentan a 15 tipos de enemigos diferentes que se vuelven cada vez más fuertes, y utilizan distintas estrategias en su intento de evitar las defensas del jugador. A medida que avancen los niveles, los enemigos se vuelven más duros y difíciles de derrotar.
  • 20 niveles únicos: Defense Grid: The Awakening cuenta con 20 entornos únicos, cada uno con una disposición diferente de las carreteras, lugares de construcción de torres y áreas abiertas que habrá que tener en cuenta para planificar la estrategia.
  • Numerosas opciones de torres y mejoras: Hay 10 tipos de torres diferentes y 3 niveles de capacidad en cada una. Cada torre tiene características únicas que afectan a su colocación ideal, como por ejemplo los ataques en la línea de visión o los disparos con trayectoria balística. Ciertas torres mejoran a otras de los alrededores, y algunas son ideales en ciertos lugares específicos, como por ejemplo una torre de retaguardia que libera un ataque devastador.
  • Logros en Steam: Al completar con éxito cada nivel se recibe un premio de bronce. Al conseguir objetivos adicionales recibes premios de plata y oro para ese nivel concreto. Un novato puede ser capaz de sobrevivir al ataque, pero sólo un jugador experimentado podrá conseguir todos los logros de oro.

Defense Grid: Resurgence Map Pack
Nuevos Mapas, Nuevas Estrategias, Nuevas Experiencias y Nuevos Logros de los Creadores de Defense Grid

Defense Grid: Resurgence es la primera expansión de pago para Defense Grid: The Awakening y está compuesta por 8 nuevos mapas cuidadosamente pulidos y equilibrados por los creadores originales. Durante cuatro semanas consecutivas a lo largo del mes de junio se lanzarán un par de mapas semanales que proporcionarán nuevos entornos y experiencias estratégicas que precisarán de nuevas tácticas para vencer a los alienígenas y proteger tus núcleos. Cada pack de mapas contendrá 2 mapas con modo campaña y 4 modos adicionales asociados al diseño de ese nivel. Cada pack de mapas tiene asociados nuevos logros de Steam y tablas de puntuación online.

Defense Grid: Resurgence Map Pack 1

Service Interruption y Height of Confusion
El DLC Resurgence hace su debut con dos exigentes nuevos entornos para Defense Grid. Una carretera hacia el núcleo se encuentra bloqueada, lo que proporciona una gran ventaja a los alienígenas en Service Interruption. ¡Escoge sabiamente tus torres! Height of Confusion tiene una amplia superficie despejada, ¡lo que proporciona posibilidades infinitas! ¡Construye donde te plazca si quieres defender tus núcleos energéticos!

Defense Grid: Resurgence Map Pack 2

Risk Exposure y Roundabout
No te pierdas los dos mapas siguientes de la saga Resurgence. ¡Risk Exposure te hará descubrir tu capacidad para defender dos complejos de núcleos de energía independientes! El limitado espacio para la construcción pondrá a prueba tu habilidad a la hora de dividir tus recursos para descubrir el emplazamiento óptimo. En Roundabout, te enfrentarás a numerosas posibilidades de ruta y a una gran variedad de cambios en la elevación. ¡Tendrás que moverte en círculos para contener la amenaza alienígena!

Defense Grid: Resurgence Map Pack 3

Urban Planning y Tactical Diversion
Es la tercera entrega de los cuatro fenomenales packs de mapas de la saga Resurgence. Urban Planning es un entorno denso con espacios para la construcción restringidos, lo que obligará a tomar decisiones difíciles contra las hordas que no dejan de atacar. En Tactical Diversion, inspecciona la pequeña plataforma cubierta de nieve y considera numerosas posibilidades. ¡Pero prepárate para el asalto aéreo!

Defense Grid: Resurgence Map Pack 4

Kill Zone y Overflow
La última entrega de la saga Resurgence incluye dos nuevos entornos que sin duda pondrán a prueba tu planificación táctica. En Kill Zone, ¿levantarás tus defensas cerca de la carretera de entrada a la espiral, la de salida, o la plataforma abierta en el centro? ¡Tal vez en las tres! Pero deberás permanecer alerta para disuadir a los invasores. Overflow dispone de numerosas plataformas conectadas que te proporcionarán infinitas opciones para hacer retroceder a los enemigos. ¿Podrás mantener los núcleos a salvo?

Defense Grid: The Awakening
In this first full-story expansion to the award-winning Defense Grid, GLaDOS, the menacing AI from Valve’s awesome Portal franchise, guest stars and shakes up the Defense Grid world. Players will battle not only alien hordes, but the deviousness of GLaDOS as she tests the player’s skills and changes all of the rules that you have come to know. Can you protect the cores in spite of her intrusive testing?

Defense Grid: The Awakening is a unique spin on tower defense gameplay that will appeal to players of all skill levels. A horde of enemies is invading, and it’s up to the player to stop them by strategically building fortification towers around their base. Beautiful environments, spectacular effects, and a dynamic, engaging soundtrack bring the world to life. The controls are intuitive and the gameplay is deep — the special attacks and properties of each tower work together to provide many ways to succeed.

Requerimientos del Sistema
Requisitos mínimos del sistema:
  • Sistema operativo: Windows XP, Vista
  • Procesador: CPU de 1.8GHz o superior
  • Memoria: 512 MB de RAM
  • Espacio en disco duro: 1 GB de espacio disponible
  • DirectX version: 9.0c o superior, versión de junio de 2008 o posterior
  • Video: Tarjeta gráfica con DirectX 9 y soporte de shader 2:
  • ATI Radeon 9600 9600-9800, X300-X1950, HD 2400-HD 4870)
  • NVIDIA GeForce 6100 (6100-6800, 7100-7950, 8300-8800, 9600-9800, GTX 216-280)


  • Sistema operativo: Windows XP, Vista
  • Procesador: CPU a 2.0 GHz o superior
  • Memoria: 1 GB de RAM en XP, 1.5 GB de RAM en Vista
  • Espacio en disco duro: 1 GB de espacio libre
  • Versión de DirectX: 9.0c o superior, versión de junio de 2008 o posterior
  • Gráficos: Tarjeta gráfica compatible con DirectX 9, con soporte de shader 3 y con 256 MB de VRAM:
  • ATI Radeon X700 (X700-X1950, HD 2400-HD 4870)
  • NVIDIA GeForce 7600 (7600-7950, 8300-8800, 9600-9800 o GTX 216-280)
  • Mando de Juego: Soporta Opcionalmente el Mando de Juego Microsoft para Windows


Rapidshare | TurboBit | Uploaded | NetLoad | RapidGator | Bronto | Karelia | +ENLACES

Rapidshare | TurboBit | Uploaded | NetLoad | RapidGator | Bronto | Karelia | +ENLACES

Rapidshare | TurboBit | Uploaded | NetLoad | RapidGator | Bronto | Karelia | +ENLACES

Rapidshare | TurboBit | Uploaded | NetLoad | RapidGator | Bronto | Karelia | +ENLACES

1 LINK: Download1 or Download2 or Download3

[E.MAGNETICO] Defense.Grid.The.Awakening-HI2U + UPDATE 1 - 17[E.MAGNETICO] Defense.Grid.The.Awakening.v1.0r41.multi5.cracked.READ.NFO-THETA[NZB] Defense.Grid.The.Awakening-HI2U + UPDATE 1 - 17

Contraseña/Password: www.intercambiosvirtuales.org

Web del Autor

No somos responsables de los enlaces en la caja de comentarios sociales, usarlos bajo su propio juicio.
@Hirens1000 13/03/2012 23:28:35 #1

Se ve interesante, (como todo lo desta pagina, lastima que no lo pueda aprovechar todo)pero si voy ampliando mis conocimientos gracias a tu dedicacion y empeño por compartir, SINCERAMENTE, gracias jimmy

@Hirens1000 13/03/2012 23:29:51 #2


@elbeto57 13/03/2012 23:43:22 #3

Este juego es muy entretenido, en verdad lo recomiendo, lo compre con sus expanciones en Steam en Diciembre, junto con otros 10 juegos mas, y es casi el unico que juego :P

Planear y destruir… aunque paresca simple a primera vista… te dara bastante que pensar para poder completarlo, y mas si quieres completarlo superando la maxima calificacion como lo hago yo O.O

@wiutud 13/03/2012 23:43:47 #4

Muchas Gracias, Se Ve Interesante Abra Que Probarlo :)

@tyler830 14/03/2012 11:18:46 #5

Este juego es extraordinario, lo mejor de lo mejor del género Tower Defense, 5 puntos de 5!

Tuve el placer de jugarlo y terminarlo hace algún tiempo, que buenos momentos!

@pablinius 14/03/2012 13:13:08 #6

gracias por subirlo a torrent..
el mejor sitio para info y descargas.

@DarthPsIcO 14/03/2012 13:23:48 #7

hey muchas gracias jimmy mira pero una pregunta
se oyede jugar en linea o multijugador o algo asi ??

@NIck 14/03/2012 17:01:42 #8

hola amigos! una pregunta! ya baje el juego y lo instalé pero al ejecutarlo me aparece una ventana que dice que no se encuentró X3DAudio1_6.dll. me pueden ayudar a solucionar esto? MUCHAS GRACIAS!!


@elgorro1 15/03/2012 00:13:21 #9

Gracias por el aporte, al parecer tiene algo que ver con los juegos de portal aunque no vi en ninguna parte el logo de valve, soy fanatico de ellos porque te hacen pensar mucho asi que lo bajare y lo probare lo mas pronto posible :bleh: :grin: :roftl:

@Deepest 15/03/2012 06:02:07 #10

El juego no hay posibilidad de ponerlo en español, al menos yo no he podido. Si alguien sabe como hacerlo que por favor lo diga. Gracias

@Deepest 15/03/2012 06:07:10 #11

Perdón, ya he visto cual era el problema,es que jugaba desde el acceso directo de escritorio y aún no había visto en todos los programas la opción de iniciar en la versión en español, mis disculpas.

@gabsho 16/03/2012 10:53:36 #12

Excelente y muy adictivo.
Una pregunta @jimmy_criptoy este juego incluye los maps pack y el dlc You Monster?

Gracias de antemano por responder

@calfredog 17/03/2012 11:57:08 #13

no consigo ponerlo en español….

@calfredog 17/03/2012 12:11:38 #14

Ya está no me fijé en el menú de inicio está el icono que arranca el juego en español. mil disculpas. gracias.

@Julius 17/03/2012 19:47:44 #15

Me marca error al abrir dise:

El Programa no puede iniciarse porque falta X3DAudio1_6.dll en el equipo.

@André 17/03/2012 23:39:00 #16

Gracias por el juego. Está muy interesante ^^ :happy: . Sólo una pregunta ¿Cómo hago para ponerlo en español?

@André 17/03/2012 23:42:44 #17

Ah! lo siento ya vi cómo. Cambiando el interior del archivo “language” de “english” por “spanish” ^^ Gracias por el aporte , me gusta mucho el juego

@Gonzalo 17/03/2012 23:44:40 #18

Muy buen juego, super adictivo. Es de estrategia, lo recomiendo mucho. Gracias Jimmy.

@otreblanc 21/03/2012 19:20:42 #19

Concuerda el video del trailer con lo que voy a descargar?? Ya que el trailer corresponde a la expansion “You Monster” y en la descripcion del juego no menciona nada al respecto sino que habla de las primeras versiones del juego. Por favor si me aclaran la duda. Saludos

@rodrigo 24/03/2012 18:55:51 #20

bueno es una version game de un tower defense del warcraft

@Jigokurai 31/03/2012 08:33:26 #21

Gracias jimmy, si no fuese por tu labor titanica de administrar esta pagina, mi computador sería muy aburrido XD, la verdad te admiro, la forma en que haces aportes de todo tipo y todos tan magnificos, eres el mejor.

@cold29 08/04/2012 23:23:22 #22

Hola….kisiera saber si tambien es compatible con windows 7. Gracias

@iananderson 17/04/2012 18:56:34 #23

simplemente de lo mejor en juego de estrategia de estos tiempo
muy entretenido y una visual muy acabada tengo un mes jugandolo y cofieso que me esta robando todo el tiempo
lo recomiendo

@jimmy_criptoy 02/05/2012 04:53:21 #24

:arrow: Agregado: Defense.Grid.The.Awakening.Update.1.to.12.and.DLC.Pack-BAT

Included DLCs:
– Defense Grid: The Awakening – You Monster DLC
– Defense Grid: Borderlands DLC
– Defense Grid: Resurgence Map Pack 1
– Defense Grid: Resurgence Map Pack 2
– Defense Grid: Resurgence Map Pack 3
– Defense Grid: Resurgence Map Pack 4

– Added a Rank column back to the Mission Selection
screen. The Score and Rank column will toggle between
each other every 5 seconds.
– Fixed a bug with the UI selection sound effect playing
multiple times simultaneously.
– Added more variety for a number of the AI’s random
interjections regarding power cores, aliens, and a few
other situtations.
– Added the ability to turn vsync on/off by going to
Help & Options > Settings > Video. Default is On.
– Added a console application to update the medal s in a
user’s profile from that user’s entries on the
1. From the Main Menu, click on the Console button.
2. When prompted to login, type “guest” (without quotes)
and press enter.
3. At the command prompt, type “medals_from_leaderboards”
(without quotes) and press enter.
4. Follow the instructions printed on the screen.
5. Let the app run for a few moments.
6. When it’s done, you can exit the Console by pressing
the “Back” button at the bottom of the screen.
7. Play more Defense Grid!

– Fixed Supreme Strategist can now be earned.
– Fixed Temporal Tower modifications from the Command
Decision map will no longer carry over to other maps.

New free Defense Grid Community Challenge Update released:

– Mission Selection UI has been simplified, you can now see
all medals for all modes at a glance
– New Fully Loaded game mode added: All towers and all
upgrades are available (suggested by community member
– New Frozen Core game mode added: Cores do not float back
to the housing
– New Shredder game mode added: The aliens keep coming. And
you don’t earn interest.
– New Balanced Build game mode added: You need to build one
of each tower type before you can build a second of the
same type
– 32 new missions added with leaderboards
– Fully Loaded missions added to all early levels up to and
including Center of Power (except for Out of Fuel)
– Frozen Core missions added to Ancient Research, Long
Descent, Out of Fuel, Guardian s Fall, Crossed Signals,
Waste Disposal, and Last Stand
– Shredder missions added to Ancient Research, Flight Plan,
Cold Storage, Guardian s Fall, Center of Power, Standing
Order, Crossed Signals, Turnabout, and Lockdown
– Balanced Build missions added to Cold Storage, Standing
Order and Lockdown
– Out of Bullets missions added to Turnabout and Lockdown
– Fix: voice over volume control affects more audio lines
than before
– Prepared for more content ahead
– Fix: Top of the Class achievement now able to be earned
and description changed to reflect the new level names
and requirements
– Fix: Few and Proud achievement clarify requirements
– Fix: Splash screens are skippable again
– Fix: Borderlands levels Entanglement and Infiltration let
you build towers again
– Fix: No more purple textures when playing You Monster
level in a low-res graphics level

– Defense Grid now supports Steam Cloud! Your local
profiles will be automatically merged with whatever is in
the cloud
– Splash screens can be skipped by pressing esc , space ,
or enter
– Leaderboard UI has been cleaned up and simplified
– There is now a UI setting to switch the behavior of the
fast forward button between press and hold and toggle
– All modes of all levels are now unlocked by default
– Shortcut keys added for building towers, selling, and

1 : build Gun tower without UI
2 : build Inferno tower without UI
3 : build Laser tower without UI
4 : build Temporal tower without UI
5 : build Meteor tower without UI
6 : build Cannon tower without UI
7 : build Tesla tower without UI
8 : build Missile tower without UI
9 : build Concussion tower without UI
10 : build Command tower without UI
U : upgrade without UI
Shift-U : sell without UI

– Cleaned up ARG content

– Voice over volume slider now affects GLaDOS in the
CHAS levels
– Console remains in, but passwords have been removed
– Potatoes are now gone

– Tesla tower now does 2x damage vs. shields
– Fixed a crash with the new leaderboards
– Prepared for summer camp

Defense Grid April 2011 Portal 2 ARG Updates:
– Two free new and original Defense Grid Levels with new
voice acting and story.
– Portal’s GLaDOS invades the network and brings a new style
of level design to Defense Grid.
– New computer console off the main menu. Poke around in the
old computer archives, try out puzzles, and learn some DG
– Tesla towers now recharge faster and do more damage.

April 13 update:
– CHAS level is now unlocked for everyone!
– Recruiting is still important, so keep it up.
– Tony has one more trick up his sleeve
– Three more clues to find

– Tesla towers fixed and updated
– Console fixed and updated
– Recruits fixed and updated
– CHAS levels fixed and updated

– Something has fixed much of the file corruption…
– D and G glyphs were swapped. Fixed now. Oops.
– Subtitles should display properly now.
– #potatofoolsday

– Profile is now backed up after each content update
– Increased the overall number of .dgp files in the game
– Modified some of the menus to better use vertical space
– Made the front end more savory

– Added support for future DLC.
– Fixed performance problems related to ATI video cards.

– Support for DLC is enabled. Check out the new FREE DLC
pack, Borderlands! Four challenging levels new to Steam
– Upgraded leaderboard performance – Defense Grid now
uses the official Steam leaderboards. Unfortunately,
this change resets all existing leaderboard entries,
but the good news is that all of the leaderboards are
wide open and waiting for your high scores to post.
Defend the cores and show others how good you are.
– Corrected a bug in which Cannon towers would sometimes
fire twice as often when using fast forward.
– Fixed an issue in which AI audio would still play even
if the Voice Over volume was turned all the way down.
– Fixed an issue that prevented the Voice Over volume
slider from responding to mouse input.
– The Achievements button on the Main Menu will now take
the user directly to their stats and achievements page
for Defense Grid.

– The game pauses on a new level until you place the
first tower (or right click the mouse) to allow you to
look over it and plan your strategy
– Added alien health bars with an option to turn them on
and off in Settings menu
– Adjusted the difficulty for levels Last Stand and Waste
– Changed the entrance and exit arrow colors for the Last
Stand level to show which exit corresponds with aliens
from which entrance
– Updated various text strings for better accuracy and
clearer understanding
– Added an extra digit space in the resource counter to
accommodate high resource count
– Left Hand mouse control is now supported
– Added a version number in the How to Play section

Issues Addressed:
– Turtles now spawn aliens even after a save when they
are in a level.
– The interest accrued at the end of the mission is now
always included in the associated leaderboard posting.
– Link to and update to the latest version of DirectX in
order to address audio issues for some users
– The Game tip sound no longer plays when the user turns
off the game tip visual cue in the settings.
– The Orbital laser is now not affected by saving or
– The 15 Tower challenge mode description was incorrect,
it has been updated.
– The meteor trails now look better at slower framerates.
– The UI no longer cycles quickly while fast-forwarding.
– Changed silver medal core criteria for Assessing the
Threat to be consistent with other mission criteria.
– Changed requirements for Siege Breaker achievement so
it is now awarded.

– Fixed a rare problem in which some systems would play
the game and see a solid color instead of the level.
– Made the Siege Breaker achievement obtainable.
– Corrected the accumulation of the stats: Spires
Encountered and Total Aliens Encountered.
– Adjusted the in game resource counter to allow for
7 digits instead of 6.
– Corrected a bug dealing with the accumulation of
interest when using checkpoints or saving/loading near
the end of a level.

Protection: Steam –> cuando es stema siempre genera un archivo language.ini o similar en la carpeta donde se tiene instalado el juego, con cambiar su valos de english a spanish el idioma cambia, eso ya es muy obvio si son aficionados a los videojuegos.

Al sujeto que se queja por los comentarios, e de decir que no estan aprobados, no todo mundo tiene tu tiempo para aprobarlos uno a uno.

Saludos !!

@jimmy_criptoy 05/10/2012 11:01:48 #25

:arrow: Defense.Grid.The.Awakening.Update.13.to.17-BAT

Included DLCs:
– Defense Grid: The Awakening – You Monster DLC
– Defense Grid: Borderlands DLC
– Defense Grid: Resurgence Map Pack 1
– Defense Grid: Resurgence Map Pack 2
– Defense Grid: Resurgence Map Pack 3
– Defense Grid: Resurgence Map Pack 4
– Defense Grid Accessed Content

– Removed Kickstarter related features.
– Added new Community button to the Main Menu.
– Added a Weekly Challenge to the Community section.
– The Kickstarter related mini-games are still playable
through the Community button.
– Video resolutions in Help & Options > Settings > Video
now show aspect ratio instead of bits-per-pixel.
– Bug fix: Unspawned aliens from Seekers and Turtles will
now appropriately award bonus resources when destroyed
within range of a Command tower.
– Bug fix: Multimonitor setups are better supported now.

– Thanks so much for your support!!! To celebrate the
last 24 hours of the Defense Grid 2 Kickstarter
crossing the minimum threshold
(http://kickstarter.hiddenpath.com), we ve updated the
game with a special treat, and two new contests too! To
view and enter the contests, go to the Contests button
on the Main Menu. Enjoy!
– NEW CONTEST: Play DG2 Hero and obtain at least 100,000
– NEW CONTEST: Play DG2 Hero and be one of the top 100

of the new Defense Grid 2 Kickstarter
(http://kickstarter.hiddenpath.com), we’re updating the
game with new content and contests. To view and enter
the contests, go to the Contests button on the Main
– This week, we’ve reset several leaderboards and
introduced the new Defensylvania ASCII arcade game. We
also have two new trivia questions about Defense Grid.
– We have 10 AMD Radeon HD 6770 video cards to give away
this week across the following contests good luck!
– NEW CONTEST: Play, beat, and find all the secrets in
the new minigame, Defensylvania!
– NEW CONTEST: Beat the mode “Story Reversed”, in “The
Awakening” map “Guardian s Fall”.
– NEW CONTEST: Beat the mode “Frozen Core”, in “The
Awakening” map “Waste Disposal”.
– NEW CONTEST: Beat the mode Story Challenge , in “The
Awakening” map “Lockdown”.
– NEW CONTEST: Beat the mode Super Grinder , in “The
Awakening” map “Last Stand”.
– NEW CONTEST: Two separate trivia questions!

– NEW: Added a scrolling marquee to the Main Menu and
Mission Selection to individually thank all of our
Kickstarter donors!
– Added in some logging to track down leaderboard issues
a few people have been having.
Defense Grid 2 Kickstarter we ll be updating the game
with new content over the next four weeks. To view and
enter the contests, go to the Contest button on the
Main Menu.
– NEW CONTEST: Play the new mode, “Shredder”, added to
the “Borderlands” map “Infiltration”.
– NEW CONTEST: Play the mode “Fully Loaded”, in “The
Awakening” map “Barrier to Entry”.
– NEW CONTEST: Play the “Alien Breeder” mini-game.
– NEW CONTEST: Create your own Defense Grid fan trailer
– NEW CONTEST: Create the most popular Defense Grid fan
trailer video.
– Cheat codes that may help in creating your fan trailer.
While playing a level, each cheat code is entered on
the keyboard and must be proceeded by “=” or “4”. Then
type one of the codes listed below.
– happerdown = Enables/disables music playback.
– hideui = Show/hide the user interface.
– hidecursor = Show/hide the reticle in the center of
the screen.
– riotmod = Enter/exit free camera mode to let you fly
around the level. The camera can ONLY be controlled
by using a game pad.
– Left thumbstick = Rotate the camera
– Right thumbstick = Move the camera up/down/left/right.
– Left shoulder button = Move the camera forward.
– Right shoulder button = Move the camera backward.
– The A and B buttons still function as normal to build
and upgrade towers.

– NEW: Support for Touchscreen enabled PC s, Tablets and
Ultrabooks – developed in partnership with Intel
– New UI interface and icons for touch devices (tower
selection bar, fast forward, system menu, etc.)
– Automatic switching between different input devices on
the fly (mouse / keyboard, controller, touch)
– Multi-touch smooth zooming in and out without preset
height levels
– Drag or tap and place to place towers
– New Interface setting for auto detect / touch
disabled / touch only options

– FIRST WEEKLY GAME UPDATE OF FIVE: To celebrate the new
Defense Grid 2 kickstarter we ll be updating the game
with new content over the next five weeks. This week,
we ve made the following updates to the original
Defense Grid:

*NEW: Contests button on Main Menu. You can win great
prizes from AMD and Razer including Radeon HD 6770
video cards this week. We ll have weekly giveaways for
players who play different maps and modes of the game,
new mini-games, and much more.

*The new DG2 Kickstarter button on the main menu gives
you more info on the DG2 Kickstarter event and takes
you directly to the kickstarter page

– Added a Rank column back to the Mission Selection
screen. The Score and Rank column will toggle between
each other every 5 seconds.
– Fixed a bug with the UI selection sound effect playing
multiple times simultaneously.
– Added more variety for a number of the AI’s random
interjections regarding power cores, aliens, and a few
other situtations.
– Added the ability to turn vsync on/off by going to
Help & Options > Settings > Video. Default is On.
– Added a console application to update the medal s in a
user’s profile from that user’s entries on the
1. From the Main Menu, click on the Console button.
2. When prompted to login, type “guest” (without quotes)
and press enter.
3. At the command prompt, type “medals_from_leaderboards”
(without quotes) and press enter.
4. Follow the instructions printed on the screen.
5. Let the app run for a few moments.
6. When it’s done, you can exit the Console by pressing
the “Back” button at the bottom of the screen.
7. Play more Defense Grid!

– Fixed Supreme Strategist can now be earned.
– Fixed Temporal Tower modifications from the Command
Decision map will no longer carry over to other maps.

New free Defense Grid Community Challenge Update released:

– Mission Selection UI has been simplified, you can now see
all medals for all modes at a glance
– New Fully Loaded game mode added: All towers and all
upgrades are available (suggested by community member
– New Frozen Core game mode added: Cores do not float back
to the housing
– New Shredder game mode added: The aliens keep coming. And
you don’t earn interest.
– New Balanced Build game mode added: You need to build one
of each tower type before you can build a second of the
same type
– 32 new missions added with leaderboards
– Fully Loaded missions added to all early levels up to and
including Center of Power (except for Out of Fuel)
– Frozen Core missions added to Ancient Research, Long
Descent, Out of Fuel, Guardian s Fall, Crossed Signals,
Waste Disposal, and Last Stand
– Shredder missions added to Ancient Research, Flight Plan,
Cold Storage, Guardian s Fall, Center of Power, Standing
Order, Crossed Signals, Turnabout, and Lockdown
– Balanced Build missions added to Cold Storage, Standing
Order and Lockdown
– Out of Bullets missions added to Turnabout and Lockdown
– Fix: voice over volume control affects more audio lines
than before
– Prepared for more content ahead
– Fix: Top of the Class achievement now able to be earned
and description changed to reflect the new level names
and requirements
– Fix: Few and Proud achievement clarify requirements
– Fix: Splash screens are skippable again
– Fix: Borderlands levels Entanglement and Infiltration let
you build towers again
– Fix: No more purple textures when playing You Monster
level in a low-res graphics level

– Defense Grid now supports Steam Cloud! Your local
profiles will be automatically merged with whatever is in
the cloud
– Splash screens can be skipped by pressing esc , space ,
or enter
– Leaderboard UI has been cleaned up and simplified
– There is now a UI setting to switch the behavior of the
fast forward button between press and hold and toggle
– All modes of all levels are now unlocked by default
– Shortcut keys added for building towers, selling, and

1 : build Gun tower without UI
2 : build Inferno tower without UI
3 : build Laser tower without UI
4 : build Temporal tower without UI
5 : build Meteor tower without UI
6 : build Cannon tower without UI
7 : build Tesla tower without UI
8 : build Missile tower without UI
9 : build Concussion tower without UI
10 : build Command tower without UI
U : upgrade without UI
Shift-U : sell without UI

– Cleaned up ARG content

– Voice over volume slider now affects GLaDOS in the
CHAS levels
– Console remains in, but passwords have been removed
– Potatoes are now gone

– Tesla tower now does 2x damage vs. shields
– Fixed a crash with the new leaderboards
– Prepared for summer camp

Defense Grid April 2011 Portal 2 ARG Updates:
– Two free new and original Defense Grid Levels with new
voice acting and story.
– Portal’s GLaDOS invades the network and brings a new style
of level design to Defense Grid.
– New computer console off the main menu. Poke around in the
old computer archives, try out puzzles, and learn some DG
– Tesla towers now recharge faster and do more damage.

April 13 update:
– CHAS level is now unlocked for everyone!
– Recruiting is still important, so keep it up.
– Tony has one more trick up his sleeve
– Three more clues to find

– Tesla towers fixed and updated
– Console fixed and updated
– Recruits fixed and updated
– CHAS levels fixed and updated

– Something has fixed much of the file corruption…
– D and G glyphs were swapped. Fixed now. Oops.
– Subtitles should display properly now.
– #potatofoolsday

– Profile is now backed up after each content update
– Increased the overall number of .dgp files in the game
– Modified some of the menus to better use vertical space
– Made the front end more savory

– Added support for future DLC.
– Fixed performance problems related to ATI video cards.

– Support for DLC is enabled. Check out the new FREE DLC
pack, Borderlands! Four challenging levels new to Steam
– Upgraded leaderboard performance – Defense Grid now
uses the official Steam leaderboards. Unfortunately,
this change resets all existing leaderboard entries,
but the good news is that all of the leaderboards are
wide open and waiting for your high scores to post.
Defend the cores and show others how good you are.
– Corrected a bug in which Cannon towers would sometimes
fire twice as often when using fast forward.
– Fixed an issue in which AI audio would still play even
if the Voice Over volume was turned all the way down.
– Fixed an issue that prevented the Voice Over volume
slider from responding to mouse input.
– The Achievements button on the Main Menu will now take
the user directly to their stats and achievements page
for Defense Grid.

– The game pauses on a new level until you place the
first tower (or right click the mouse) to allow you to
look over it and plan your strategy
– Added alien health bars with an option to turn them on
and off in Settings menu
– Adjusted the difficulty for levels Last Stand and Waste
– Changed the entrance and exit arrow colors for the Last
Stand level to show which exit corresponds with aliens
from which entrance
– Updated various text strings for better accuracy and
clearer understanding
– Added an extra digit space in the resource counter to
accommodate high resource count
– Left Hand mouse control is now supported
– Added a version number in the How to Play section

Issues Addressed:
– Turtles now spawn aliens even after a save when they
are in a level.
– The interest accrued at the end of the mission is now
always included in the associated leaderboard posting.
– Link to and update to the latest version of DirectX in
order to address audio issues for some users
– The Game tip sound no longer plays when the user turns
off the game tip visual cue in the settings.
– The Orbital laser is now not affected by saving or
– The 15 Tower challenge mode description was incorrect,
it has been updated.
– The meteor trails now look better at slower framerates.
– The UI no longer cycles quickly while fast-forwarding.
– Changed silver medal core criteria for Assessing the
Threat to be consistent with other mission criteria.
– Changed requirements for Siege Breaker achievement so
it is now awarded.

– Fixed a rare problem in which some systems would play
the game and see a solid color instead of the level.
– Made the Siege Breaker achievement obtainable.
– Corrected the accumulation of the stats: Spires
Encountered and Total Aliens Encountered.
– Adjusted the in game resource counter to allow for
7 digits instead of 6.
– Corrected a bug dealing with the accumulation of
interest when using checkpoints or saving/loading near
the end of a level.

1. Unpack release.
2. Copy the updated files over to your game dir.
Overwrite any existing files.
3. Enjoy! ;)

@acne 28/05/2013 16:21:04 #26

Fantastic blog article.Really looking forward to study more. Will study on…

@withman 24/07/2013 14:45:15 #27

no me queda bn instalado me repasa los pasos para la instalacion por favor

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