Dreamfall Chapters Book Three Realms (PC-GAME)
buen aportazo gracias de nuevo!
Muchas gracias amigo Jimmy, unas pregunta este juego son varios capítulos o ya es este solo? cuando saldrá en español?
Fixed the story flag bug that prevented some choices from Book Two to carry over to Book Three. Please note that you will need to load your final save game from Book Two and play through to the end of that episode to properly record your choices.
Fixed two Steam achievements that did not trigger properly.
Fixed gameplay-specific lighting in House of All Worlds.
Added some character animations to Interlude II.
@Angelo, son cinco capítulos. Este incluye los capítulos 1, 2 y 3, con lo que aún faltan dos capítulos por salir. No sé si saldrá finalmente en español o no.