Dungeons 2 – A Game of Winter Multilenguaje (Español) (PC-GAME)
502 Bad Gateway me sale
todo ok gracias jimmy
excelente aporte, esperando q termine de subirlos, para q no de error , gracias
Buenas, ya me habia descargado el http://www.intercambiosvirtual.....re-pc-game quiere decir que esta nueva subida incluye las anteriores y ademas esta en ESP, no como la anterior version?
Hola disculpen la ignorancia, como lo pongo en español?
No me deja ponerlo en español, gracias de todos modos
Instala el juego en ingles.
Después ve a opciones, en el menú del juego, allí puedes elegir idioma.
Y gracias Jimmy
La de GOG son multi-idiomas, la de steam (CODEX) solo tiene inglés.
ok, solucionado lo del idioma. Perdonen mi torpeza , pero es que instalo el DLC game of winter pero no aparece para jugarlo, me manda a la tienda..¿pueden ayudarme?. Excelente trabajo Jimmy, gracias
Discupen q moleste termine de descargar el juego pero no puedo jugar los dlc me manga a tienda como hago para jugarlos ? se juegan en campaña o algo por el estilo ?
Por favor alguien puede decir como se activan los dlc o como se hace para jugarlos me pase el juego y nada paso… Pense que era parte de la campaña pero no es así… Y cuando voy a los dlc pues me manda a la tienda a pesar de que estan tildados con una tilde en verde… Les agradadeceria cualquier información…
Como se activan los DLC, instalo el juego e instalo todos los DLC pero cuando voy al game no aparecen instalador y mucho menos puedo usarlos… Para poder activar los DLC solo hay que activarlos jugandolos por partidas personalizadas… Seleccionas los mapas de los DLC…
Patch (29th October 2015)
Free “A Clash of Pumpkins” DLC:
Three Halloween motto battle cards: “Island of Horror”, “Ghost Forest”, and “Killer Penguins!”
Hero costume variants for the Halloween cards:
“Pikemen” are dressed up as “Soldiers”
“Elven Archers” are dressed up as “Elven Magi”
“Dwarven Warriors” are dressed up as “Cannon Dwarves”
“Penguins” are dressed up as “Snowball-Throwing Penguins”, “Batting Penguins”, “Kamikaze Penguins”, and as a “Penguin King”
Improvements in “A Game of Winter”:
Nosferatu and Grimlin now perform their duties in the graveyard
Greater space efficiency in the graveyard now has a positive instead of a negative influence on resurrection times
Resurrection times in graveyard are now shorter
Researching “Drink Blood” for leeches had no effect
The “Gruesome Bear” fear skill visual FX for were broken
Leeches were not counted in the population overview
Damaged creatures without a need for a Final Resting Place defiled all available resting places by mistake
Clay pots will now no longer appear outside the player dungeon when skeletons are teleported using the “The Undead Are Here!” spell when carrying them.
Minor text errors corrected: “Strong Leeches” and “Insidious Leeches” research options did not show the research level; description of “Final Resting Place” suggested that each creature would build its own resting place
Special SSAO flickering effect for ice surfaces has now been reduced
Visual FX of the right Undead throne room treasure chamber did not work for certain fill levels
“The North Forgets”: Floor areas now cave in
“The North Forgets”: The area that can be walked into at gold mine entrance has now been corrected
“The North Forgets”: A decorative guard has now been removed to give Barthas slightly more space to work
“The Fall of the Wall”: Floor areas now cave in
“The Fall of the Wall”: Entrance area of the gold mine now adjusted in order to improve the chaos when a large number of units enter
“Death Becomes You”: Dragon Lizards placed in pre-existing spawner building
“Don’t Let Go!”: Worker troop interval will now never fall below eight minutes
“Splashing in the Fountain of Youth”: Visual FX of an Ent skill was broken
“Splashing in the Fountain of Youth”: Spiders and Dragon Lizards now attack the throne room when they are attacked
“Summiteers”: Overlapping of palisade wall with cliff has now been corrected
“Summiteers”: Dialogs in closing sequence after defeat can now be heard properly
“The Ultimate Evil”: Meltysand is now asked not to leave the ritual site during the ritual
“The Ultimate Evil”: Dialog was missing when Meltysand was resurrected for the first time
“The Siege of New King’s Ending”: Battle actions are now disabled at the end of the map
“Plains of Elsa”: Dragon Lizard room is now removed when all Dragon Lizards are dead
“Plains of Elsa”, “Hero’s Tomb”: Meltysand now returns to her original position after fights and can no longer be lured too far away
Overall improvements:
Saved games from version v1.4.1 or older could no longer be loaded with version v1.5 in some cases
Effect area of area traps has now been increased slightly so that even the smallest penguin can now no longer sneak past them
Surface decoration objects sometimes had the wrong texture and shading
Certain texts which were cut off are now displayed in full
Damaged doors are now displayed correctly after a game is loaded
Horde creatures can now also be further upgraded to better creatures even when the maximum level has been reached
Toolbox icon for production in the Tinkerer’s Cave has now been reduced in size so that it can fit in the frame
Line spacing of subtitle text has now been increased slightly for better legibility in certain languages
Subtitle portrait was displayed in the wrong position for one frame
Minimap positions were displayed incorrectly for one frame when different entrances were used
Malakay now has a name and a description in his details window