Dungeons 2 Multilenguaje (Español) (PC-GAME)
Sos un groso!
A veces inicia en una ventana pequeña, al dar click en campaña no inicia el modo campaña ni siquiera en modo combate, ademas el instalador es raro. Realmente funciona o solo tiene muchos bugs?
Tiene muchos fallos.
Lo mismo que el comentario n° 3 espero lo soluciones, agrego que tomes las criticas y respeto mucho lo que aportas
Funciona perfectamente, tiene ciertos problemillas, que con quitarlo y volver a iniciar el juego se eliminan momentaneamente pero nada del otro mundo,excelente aporte
1. Extract release
2. Mount ISO
3. Install the game
4. Copy crack from /PLAZA directory
5. Play
Notes: Game is updated to the latest version (1.1.4.g80ab42b).
Language can be switched in main game menu.
Gracias por tu respuesta probando este nuevo lanzamiento
El lanzamiento de plaza sigue con los mismos problemas.
Probado en Windows 8.1
Hola, como cambio el idioma a español despues de poner el update?, en el menú no sale nada
buenas no puedo cambiar el idioma tengo el juego codex cn la actualización codex y no se como modificarle el idioma y en el menú de juego no me aparece nada :/
Hola, cuando tenia la primera version sin actualizar podia cambiar libremente el lenguaje en el menu de opciones dentro del juego, pero ahora q aplique el parche se puso en ingles y desaparecio la opcion de cambiar el idioma dentro del juego.
Trate de poner el spanish en los ini del crack y en la carpeta de appdata pero sigue en ingles. Alguno conoce la solucion?
Con el update queda en ingles y al parecer no se le puede cambiar el idioma por que quedan solo los archivos de localización en ingles
@jimmy_criptoy cual os parece mejor dungeons 2 o War for the Overworld
Haber si puedes subir el update de War for the Overworld
hola gente acavo de instalar el juego pero cuando entro y pongo campanea o lo que sea que ponga menos las opciones de juego no me deja jugarlo apreto y no pasa nada alguien podria explicarme el porque?
hola de nuevo mira he descargado la version plaza completa he hice todo lo que habia que hacer paso a paso pero cuando entro al juego no me deja jugarlo llego hasta el menu del juego solamente y de ahi no puedo jugar la campaña ni multijugador ni un jugador lo unico que puedo cambiar es las opciones de juego por favor necesito que me des una mano porque quiero jugar este sorprendente juego muchas gracias
Gente una pregunta, llegue asta el mapa BATALLA EN EL BOSQUE DE LOS ELFOS, lo termino al nivel pero de hay no paso a ningun otro, es un error o hay murio ya el juego
Es raro porque es recien el segundo nivel que usaria los DEMONIOS
Update v1.2:
New Features and Gameplay Improvements
Added two new skirmish maps: “Wall Street” and “The Poshlands”
Difficulty settings for skirmish maps
New way to pick up units: left-clicking on one of the unit type portraits on the top-screen. This brings up an unit info screen which lets you quick-pick each unit. Right-clicking on the portraits still makes the camera jump through the locations of each unit of that type.
Player is now able to switch between different types of units in a multiselection on the overworld by pressing TAB or clicking on the portraits in the detail panel
Player is now able to choose which unit he will drop next in the dungeon by pressing TAB or clicking on the portraits in the details panel
Horde units can be re-trained between tier 2 and tier 3 units. Default when dropping on arena ring is now “train to tier 2″.
Increased Payday interval from 3 minutes to 6 minutes and doubled salary.
Rework of “Signal Horn” and “Sentry Gong”. They now can be built on Tier 1 but no longer give a buff to units. Instead, they draw attention of all nearby units upon enemies entering the guard room / outpost. Also, they can be manually activated by slapping them.
King Joffrey no longer has a bonus against demon units
Troll Rock Thrower: Now has a minimum range in siege mode, splash damager reduced, overall damage reduced but does now ignore armor and projectiles are not longer homing
Made boss fights in sandbox maps more difficult
Made demon portals in “Trolls from Hell” 5 times tougher
“Unleash the Dungeon Lord” spell cost for demons increased (now same as horde faction)
Other Improvements
Various performance improvements
Better support for ultra-wide resolutions
Overhaul of the campaign map to better integrate the demon mini-campaign and give better progress feedback
Better pre-selection of next mission when entering campaign map (prefer main campaign and no longer repeating optional demon mini-campaign)
Added better audio to various actions and objects like signal horn, cannon watch tower, and some UI interactions
Savegames will now load much quicker
Triple Buffering option removed from options menu
Implemented horde/demon specific icons for strike and new throne room level
Narrator idle talk and reminders are now rarer and their intervals are increased
Tutorial tips are shown again when narrator plays a reminder-line
Added an option in the options->game menu to turn off reminders and idle talks of the narrator
Added a slider in the options->game menu to change the auto-save interval
Improved evil laughter
Player is now able to enter the multiplayer game ID with controller
Improved font readability
Right-clicking on an action panel now acts as “back”
Casting spells/skills with Shift-Click will no longer exit spell/skill cast mode (same like when building work stations or traps)
Improved visual of tempting town portal trap
Dialog log now shows tutorial tips.
Better contrast between text and background in full screen menus
Spells cast by player or skills used by units will outline the target if it can be cast.
RTS stored groups: camera only jumps if group key is pressed in quick succession
Treasure chambers now have more lights on the wall, to make them less gloomy
Worker are more intelligent when building traps (don’t steal each other’s resources and react immediately when evil hand drops resources on the trap).
Un-digged crystal tiles now have a special marker
Improved minimap icon overlay-order
When queuing multiple units to hire, population points are now reserved immediately
Added particle effect when creatures gain a combat or production level
Visually improved evilfication of water/lava plane (“The Dam”) and of certain non-tree vegetation objects
Rolling Stones collide with other rolling stones.
Introduced more victory point win conditions for domination, team domination and king of the hill
Un-conquereable home sectors will now generate some evilness for the player (domination)
Sector guards do respawn less frequently now
Domination mode is now pre-selected instead of deathmatch
During Multiplayer, throne room lifepoints no longer regenerates
Fixed freezes in certain cases when creating multiplayer game
Better error messages for connection problems
Fixed victory points not being displayed correctly
Fixed game settings in multiplayer lobby after loading a game
Made “kick player” button insivible for clients
Log book is now deactivated in multiplayer
Status UI now shows game mode and throne room life points in deathmatch mode
Use steam name instead of machine name
Bug Fixes
Fixed crashes in Linux Xubuntu
Fixed some truncated audio lines
Improved stability on linux and mac systems
Fixed a fountain not being visible on the map “The battle for King’s Ending – This time it’s for real!”
Fixed units getting knocked out of the players hand
Fixed units becoming unresponsive if knocked down by a rolling stone directly after dropping
Fixed missing skill sounds: Tree of Life guard’s “ground smash” and attacks, Orc Chieftain “summon warhound”, Troll Rockthrower attacks, Ultimate Evil attacks
Fixed “motivating warcry” skill visualization
Fixed problems with fog-of-war when changing resolutions of loading a save game
Fixed a problem with Krowtoes on the skirmish map “The Dam” not defending himself
vSync is now applied correctly
RTS control: Attacks on low-priority targets like spawner huts are no longer interrupted by other targets
Fixed logical size of throne room on some maps
Fixed a bug where dropping a monster on an occupied workstation did not have any effect
Fixed animations for orc chieftain’s war hound
Fixed a bug that made hero units (Grumli, etc.) disappear when they ran into a town portal trap which broke the last campaign mission
Fixed some broken achievements
Region change into dungeon while carrying something now shows the details panel again
Fixed arena icons for tier 3 monsters
Fixed the hand position when using a controller
Arena/Pentagram now correctly highlights the current work mode button
“Improved training” icon changed for clarity reasons
Closing submenu now correctly aborts respective “build gimmick/room” input mode
Fixed a bug where units sometimes did not wait until the bard finished disarming traps
Fixed a bug where trap-immune units took damage from “Flame Trap” or “Rolling Stones With Dynamite”
Rolling Stone trap now only triggers if it has line of sight
Removed unexpected “hide population display” toggle feature
Naga Medusa now aims for the target’s center instead of its pivot if the target does not have a head (e.g. attacking doors, etc.)
Fixed Warden to not move before trying to teleport.
Fixed various skill visualization not ending correctly when target gets destroyed unexpectedly or skill gets interrupted
Fixed efficiency upgrade for demon servants not working
Demon units will not strike when ordered to upgrade on pentagram and not block upgrade population points while fighting
Added missing colliders with certain objects (entrances, armory work station…)
Fixed peasant and pikeman attack animations and damage effect timings
Fixed move-attack command not walking to “nearest walkable point” when clicking on unavailable terrain
Polish/Russian version: fixed population limit GUI display
Fixed some “sweet spots” where hero units could oscillate between attacking the player units and returning to guard point.
Fixed sudden rotation changes of units in some circumstances
Fixed animation glitch if creature payday job is interrupted
Hotkeys are displayed correctly in spell bar
Fixed some attack trail effects not disappearing when unit is picked up while training in arena
Fixed a bug where units (e.g. the ultimate evil) interrupt their own attack animations
Fixed glitch where invisible units became (visually) visible when trying to target them with skills
Fixed display of perk name: first letter wasn’t always capitalized
Fixed cross-platform cloud save issues with certain save names
Fixed heavy gold and crystal dig marker
Fixed savegame playtime display (now h:mm instead of m:ss)
Fixed rotation of minimap icons on dungeon minimap
When upgrading crystal chamber work unit, resarch in progress is no longer lost
Fixed issues with applying changes in options gameplay tab
Fixed and improved horde room wall decorations
Fixed creatures fighting being interrupted by some other activities like payday
Fixed skill/spell targeting of invisible units
Fixed region panel tab highlighting
Region change gives better UI feedback in minimap/region panel
Fixed camera constraint in dungeons (could scroll too far into the black)
Fire Pit Trap executes when an enemy enters, not in a constant time interval
Fixed wolf texture
Restarting skirmish map now keeps game settings
Fixed UI hover tile not getting removed in certain circumstances
Added logic server firewall exception to steam installation process
Fixed work unit visualization glitch where animations did not properly reset to inactive
Fixed multiple in-scene dialog texts overlapping themselves
La versión de CODEX cuando la actualizo a la 1.4 no me deja pasarlo a español, alguien sabe como hacerlo?