Comentarios en: Gratuitous Space Battles 2 Multilenguaje (Español) (PC-GAME) En Busca del Conocimiento.... Fri, 17 Jan 2025 16:34:15 +0000 hourly 1 Por: jimmy_criptoy Wed, 13 May 2015 15:29:55 +0000 :arrow: Gratuitous.Space.Battles.2.Update.v1.30-BAT

Version Release 1.29 April
1) Mass deployment feature on deployment screen now shows icons at the right angle at all times.
2) Fixed rare crash bug when using decoy projectors.
3) Fixes to some corrupt Kraugerisk ship hulks.
4) Fixed bug where some components of ship hulks could be incorrectly colored.
5) Fixed bug relating to armor stacking penalties and effective armor being miscalculated in some cases.
6) Fixed bug the formation order in a sub-deployment didn’t load in correctly.
7) Fixes for some buggy achievements not tracking progress or triggering in all cases.
8) Identical voice messages now need twice as long a delay between repeats.
9) Gunships no longer have escape pods.
10) Damage indicator feedback in-battle adjusted to be less ‘spammy’ when multiple shots hit in close proximity.
11) Support for new types of mission where deployment zones alternate when used as a challenge.
12) 2 New missions added (Pyrataxian Ambush & The Slarthoon Belt).
13) Range GUI in battles now drawn above planets, by popular demand.
14) Fixed problems with camoflage shield graphical effect.
15) Mid-battle and end-battle statistics now track radiation damage in full.
16) Fixed blank texture for graphlex plating module.
17) Fixed blank hulk texture for a zyrtari cockpit.
18) Fixed another mid-battle and end battle sound-related crash bug.
19) Different shield modules now color shield effects, so the final color is determined by the highest resistance.

Version Release 1.30 May
1) Propulsion support beams now only target ships that are moving.
2) Engine exhausts now face the correct angle in battle if they are rotated in the editor.
3) Limpet GUIs now draw above planets.
4) Limpet GUI lines now draw even if actual limpet and target are offscreen.
5) Two new modules added: Repair Limpets and Refuel Limpets to support fighters mid-battle.
6) Fighters and gunships now correctly distributed amongst carrier modules when more than one is present, so launch faster.
7) Limpets now have tooltips in battle.
8) Added another new mission: The Gamorlian Expanse.
9) Balance:Cruiser Shield Disruptor Missile: Damage increased from 50 to 75.
10) Balance: Cruiser Shield Disruptor Missile: Missile speed increased from 0.39 to 0.75
11) Balance: Gunship Disruptor Bomb: Increased damage from 21 to 30.
12) Balance: Sledgehammer Pulse Cannon Reduced Armor Damage from 75% to 35%.
13) Balance: Cruiser Pulse Cannon Reduced Armor Damage from 75% to 35%.
14) Balance: Cruiser Rapid Pulse Cannon Reduced Armor Damage from 75% to 35%.
15) Balance: Cruiser Heavy Plasma Reduced Armor Penetration from 18 to 13.
16) Balance: Cruiser Multi Warhead Missile Reduced Armor Damage from 50% to 35%.
17) Balance: Cruiser Two-Stage Missile Reduced Armor Damage from 50% to 35%.
18) Balance: Frigate Superseeker Missile Reduced Armor Damage from 50% to 35%.
19) Balance: Frigate Hyperspeed Missile Reduced Armor Damage from 50% to 35%.
20) Balance: Frigate Missile Reduced Armor Damage from 50% to 35%.
21) Shield Modules can no longer regenerate while the shield is disrupted.
22) No weapon with a shield disruptor warhead now ever targets a ship whose shields are already knocked out.
23) Shield Disruption effects and radiation damage now have mid-battle text-feedback.
24) Fix for ship-design deletion bug when flipping back and forth into the editor and back.

Por: marivs Sun, 26 Apr 2015 15:58:02 +0000 :cry: lo habeis consegido instalar…? a mi me sigue dando un error en el instalador

Por: Fascio Fri, 24 Apr 2015 04:37:21 +0000 Requisito minimo… 4gb de memoria ram?

Por: Djsang Thu, 23 Apr 2015 15:23:56 +0000 Tengo windows 7 Ultimate 64bit, tengo que abrirlo como administrador y en compatibilidad para Windows XP, solo en ciertas ocasiones se congela el juego, por ejemplo cuando termina la batalla.

Por: marivs Sun, 19 Apr 2015 12:55:42 +0000 a la hora de instalar da un error de descompresion

Por: juakkko Sat, 18 Apr 2015 20:45:36 +0000 no puedo ponerlo en español :sad: :sad:

Por: teamdark30 Sat, 18 Apr 2015 09:39:41 +0000 :bleh: :bleh: :bleh: :bleh: :bleh: LO DESCARGARE SOS MI HEROE
