Comentarios en: Jagged Alliance: Back in Action Multilenguaje (Español) (PC-GAME) En Busca del Conocimiento.... Sun, 01 Dec 2024 15:48:50 +0000 hourly 1 Por: Real Christian Louboutin Outlet Sun, 07 Jul 2013 20:12:55 +0000 Super woman like Christian Louboutin flavour, feeling is the most important! Sexy, women, noble, elegant, walk on the street wearing Christian Louboutin all let a person enchanted.

Por: jimmy_criptoy Thu, 03 May 2012 14:34:18 +0000 :arrow: Agregado:

Jagged Alliance – Back in Action v1.13 Update info:

V 1.13

Added Features
– Added hard difficulty level as option on game start. Modifies enemy strength, income and starting funds.
– Added tactical mode as option on game start.
– Enemies have to be revealed via line of sight in tactical mode.
– Sound sources are marked in tactical view as well as on the minimap
– Added two new achievements for tactical mode and higher difficulty.
– Added option to level recruited militia up via the location UI on the world map.
– Added options to distribute militia via location UI (evenly across all combat zones, focused on a single combat zone)
– Added sector inventory, accessible via Character Detail Screen
– Always accessible in friendly sectors
– Automatically includes all containers that have been opened and all enemy drops that have been spotted by the player
– Accessible for militia recruitment and trading with NPCs
– Added item exchange via Drag & Drop in Character Details Screen. Illegible mercs are marked red. – Within hostile sectors mercs need to be within 5m distance to be able to exchange items.
– Stamina is reduced when returning to the strategic map when squads travelled great distances in the tactical view
– Current ammo saved for each weapon, weapons are unloaded when being handed over to militia. – Militia will hand weapons back unloaded to prevent players cheating ammo via the militia equip screen
– NPC Traders restock their inventory over time (rules can be modified via characters.txt)
– Targeting line indicates best range of weapon and chance to hit via color from green (good) to red (bad)
– Camera scrolling possible by moving the cursor to the border of the screen in fullscreen mode
– Added Sound FX for melee attacks
– Putting away a fire arm for non-combat actions (e.g. heal) will no longer reset the firemode of the weapon
– Added scrollbar in mail list window
– Added trash can icon to delete mail to mail window

Bug Fixes
– Fixed some exploits that allowed to duplicate items via item exchange
– Fixed bugs in squad selection via list on world map
– Fixed regeneration of HP on world map, HP lost due to wounds takes longer to regenerate
– Added missing text for Raider’s hiring dialogue
– Fixed Blood not liking Magic due to a typo
– Fixed MP53 weapon type not being specified
– Fixed Deidranna’s sending of troops based on the player’s income becoming less likely
– Fixed orientation of 66mm rocket shot from LAW
– Fixed issue when player receives several items of the as quest reward and has not enough space in inventory to hold all of them
– Fixed crash in tutorial
– Fixed several mercs that move as a group changing positions after reaching their destination if one of them with active guard mode receives a new goto order
– Fixed guard mode would prevent mercs from letting other mercs pass them
– Fixed mail list not being cleared when starting a new game
– Fixed item swap to player inventory for stacked items on rightclick and by “loot all”-button
– Fixed bug in loner trait
– Fixed bug in tough trait
– Added slight offset to grenade explosions to prevent explosions inside ground to prevent grenades damage to be reduced by terrain
– Changes to terrain to prevent grenades from falling through ground on machines with low frame rates
– Fixed explosions not destroying armor correctly
Balancing Changes and Tweaks
– Added grenade launcher ammo to containers in some locations in the world
– Added grenade launcher ammo to the stock of some local traders
– Slightly decreased accuracy of snipers when prone
– Tweaked enemy attributes to adjust aim time in combat
– Tweaked enemy perception to accommodate introduction of Line of Sight
– Enemies drop the amount of ammo they have left in their weapon
– Enemy area defenders swap random positions to make the game less predictable in tactical mode (interval can be modified via templatesAIdescription.txt)
– Reduced chance of friendly fire between enemies
– State of tanks is stored outside of levels
– Destroyed tanks only respawn if the location still belongs to the enemy after 24 hours
– Location of Limited Edition DaHonko Flakes is now randomized
– NPC traders item list is sorted by item type
– Tweaks and improvements to pathfinding and navmesh calculation, mercs should not slow down in narrow passages anymore
– Tweaked damage done to vehicles by explosives making tanks harder to destroy with grenades alone

– Polish language files added
– Added missing texts for French
– Added polish translation for game launcher

Por: jimmy_criptoy Tue, 24 Apr 2012 04:32:00 +0000 :arrow: Agregado:

Por: nose Tue, 27 Mar 2012 19:50:35 +0000 tengo un problema al curar mercenarios estando en combate, el mercenario con habilidades de médico no cura hasta que se acabe el combate… lo q hace que mueran :(

Por: jimmy_criptoy Fri, 16 Mar 2012 18:33:04 +0000 :arrow: Agregado:
Jagged Alliance – Back in Action v1.11 Update info:

General Bugfixes
– Fixed some enemy using wrong combination of pants and shoe meshes
– Fixed Sightcones not being cleared properly when leaving a level
– Fixed Sightcones displayed in wrong direction when moving in command mode
– Shader bug fixed that caused incorrectly colored objects
– Fixed bug where tank had impact on performance
– Fixed smoke grenade (blocking sight and its visual effect duration were slightly different)
– Fixed bug where recruitable PCs like Ira became not recruitable after leaving the map
– Fixed bug where AI coud become unalterted again after saving & loading
– Added additional Weapon and Ammo IDs
– Sight distances made more easy to modify
– Noise made more easy to modify
– Fixed bug where “She’s dead, Enrico” achievement would not unlock correctly
– Collect achievements are not anymore received when game has been modified
Visuals and Graphics Options added
– Launcher does not anymore check for vertex shader texture fetch, prohibiting older cards to start the game although they feature SM 3.0
– Added Distance based culling for small objects
– Added “Very High” terrain quality option in ingame menu
– Added View Distance as option in ingame menu (determines distance fog position)
Gameplay Fixes and Changes
– Civilians and potential militia recruits do not trigger mines anymore
– Children will try to maintain a minimum distance from player characters to ensure they do not clog doors or passages when following the player around the map
– Noise perception influenced by objects that cover the origin of the sound
– Enemy perception tweaked, enemies can now see and hear slightly better which will make it more likely that they use their weapon range to full extend (e.g. enemies with rifles will open fire from a greater distance)
– Enemy sight cones in 2D displays in addition to 3D Cone to make more clear what an enemy can see and to make lag of 3d cone calculation on slower machines more bearable
– Durability of clothing or items worn is only reduced when they actually prevented damage
– Armor is reduced only by 10% for each time it can fully prevent its protection value (e.g. if armor can potentially prevent 30 damage and only prevents 15 damage since it is hit in an already existing weak spot its durability is only reduced by 5%)
– Stamina is not reduced anymore when the whole map belongs to the player (all enemies are killed)
– Bobby Ray‘s Inventory only restocks after 3 days
– Bobby Ray’s express delivery now takes 24 hours, standard delivery takes 48 hours
– Laserpointer attachments reduce time to aim
– When a merc is hit while aiming the time to aim is reduced in relation to the damage received
– Targeting has several points of origin to become more flexible, further reduced chance of a small objects preventing a shot
– Picking improved, should be easier to select body zones when targeting
– Militia is always on the map even if the map still belongs to the enemy and can be recruited directly after liberating a map
– Reloading always reduces the smallest stack of ammo in the inventory to ensure that inventory space is cleared more quickly
– World Map: Travel speed is reduced when stamina is low
– World Map: Squads are forced to rest when stamina is close to 0 stamina to prevent squads reaching their target location with 0 stamina
– Explosives Skill also influences time for grenades to detonate after being thrown (e.g. a merc with higher explosive skill will “cook” grenades longer before throwing them so they explode more closely to their impact on the ground)
– SHIFT+ RIGHT CLICK on target orders merc to repeat the attack until the target is dead
– Merc names are displayed on mouse over
– Time to shoot is displayed as a countdown on each merc when attacking to make it more transparent that a merc is actually trying to shoot and how long it will take the merc to fire his shot
– Closing the inventory when a merc has been selected who is currently selectable in game will not reset selection to previous merc
– Added „Loot All“ Button in loot UI
– Added “Select Whole Squad” Button to Squad name
– Minimap: Left Click jumps camera to cursor position
– Minimap: Right Click orders selected merc(s) to move to cursor position
– Worldmap: Added „Enter Map“ Button to Squad UI to allow “fast travel” via the world map to be more flexible (e.g. player can also enter a map outside a combat zone)
– Worldmap: Clicking enemy squad displays level of squad members to allow the player to make a more educated guess on wheter or not he should intercept the squad or leave the defense to militia
– Worldmap: Squad UI displays slowdown or resting via status icon
– Sound played after last enemy on map has been killed
– Added translations for new features
– Further improvements to targeting enemy body zones with the cursor
– Fixed bug where wounds would result in mercs not being able to recover stamina anymore
– Fixed some recruitable characters not displaying legs when their pants were removed
– Grenade launcher now launches grenades instead of shooting them in a direct path
– 40mm grenades added to be used by Grenade Launcher
– Color of line drawn to target now indicates ideal distance for shooting target (green = ideal)
– Changed melee base damage to prevent some melee focused mercs from one hitting enemies of level 3 and above
– Fixed bug where tanks could not be hit with rockets fired from rocket launcher
– Fixed unreachable enemy spawn position on map Overland11
– Open or closed state for all doors in Drassen Airport are saved now
– Fixed explosive spot in Alma prison on which wall was not correctly removed on both sided

Por: Victor Romero Mon, 12 Mar 2012 03:31:09 +0000 ………………….LEER IMPORTANTE!!!!…………………..

*el game.exe se cuelga cuando atacan una base o instalación tuya PERO EN CUALQUIER IDIOMA MENOS EN EL INGLÉS… entonces LO QUE HAGO YO al momento de estar en pantalla de tiempo real (donde se ve el mapa y todas las ciudades e instalaciones) es tener el juego en idioma ingles por si me atacan, pero al entrar ya en juego guardo la partida, cambio de idioma al español y reanudo la partida entendiendo aun mas el juego.

*Para los que no pueden cambiar el idioma a español ejecutan el launcher.exe CON DERECHOS DE ADMINISTRADOR, y así si se cambiara el idioma…

Por: sofa Sat, 18 Feb 2012 01:05:48 +0000 como descargo este juego

Por: mandril Sun, 12 Feb 2012 09:56:40 +0000 Al acabar la primera mision el juego se cuelga cuando voy a la mina(Game.exe dejo de funcionar)

Alguna idea?

Muchas gracias

Por: RugalMKing Sat, 11 Feb 2012 19:06:41 +0000 Tengo una pregunta. Al instalar el juego elegí el idioma español, sinembargo al correrlo me sale en inglés, sin subtitulos. ¿Cómo activo los subtitulos en español del juego? No encuentro la opción en el apartado configuración…

Gracias como siempre por el aporte.

Por: coperphil Sat, 11 Feb 2012 18:41:49 +0000 a los q se les cuelgue en el mapa del mundo hay q cambiar al idioma al ingles. cdo te atacan ellos las bases tuyas se produce el error del game.exe y listo.

Por: jdrda Sat, 11 Feb 2012 03:33:26 +0000 gracias……

Por: Lucasasuke Sat, 11 Feb 2012 01:09:15 +0000 gracias por el aporte :grin: :grin:

Por: devildrey33 Fri, 10 Feb 2012 20:12:09 +0000 El juego esta muy mal traducido y peta si lo pones en castellano, en cambio en ingles funciona perfecto. No es problema del crack, por lo visto pasa lo mismo con el original…..

Por: TheJosh Fri, 10 Feb 2012 14:11:46 +0000 Lo acabo de probar con la update, ya no se atasca al cambiar la primera mision, pero cuando pasa el primer dia vuelve a pasar lo mismo, se cierra el Game.exe…

Sigue dando problemas.

Por: jimmy_criptoy Fri, 10 Feb 2012 06:19:54 +0000 :arrow: agregado:

Por: edhusi Fri, 10 Feb 2012 03:44:55 +0000 muchas gracias descargando, jimmy_criptoy eres un capo

Por: TheJosh Fri, 10 Feb 2012 00:16:22 +0000 se queda colgado el game.exe al finalizar la primera mision e intentar iniciar la segunda mision…

Es cosa del crack? existe alguna alternativa??

Por: chitodhl Thu, 09 Feb 2012 22:39:52 +0000 gracias por el juego, perdon jymmy correra en intelcore i3 saluu2

Por: cristiansx Thu, 09 Feb 2012 17:34:26 +0000 No se que pasa con el enlace de Torrent, xq cuando lo habro con el utorrent no me aparece ningun archivo para descargar.

Por: Lucas Thu, 09 Feb 2012 15:26:00 +0000 Hola. Bien ahi poniendo link de torrent. Era hora. Bajen por torrent. Para mi lo mas rapido es, y nada de esperas de captchas.

Por: Miguel Thu, 09 Feb 2012 15:12:22 +0000 Upload Forever

Por: pioneroI Thu, 09 Feb 2012 13:36:16 +0000 gracias por el aporte

Por: LAPA77 Thu, 09 Feb 2012 13:34:09 +0000 Gente usen el uTorrent, es el mas completo y liviano… :grin:

Por: agh31c Thu, 09 Feb 2012 06:57:39 +0000 gracias por tu aporte bajado y jalando gracias :original:

Por: knight Thu, 09 Feb 2012 05:42:09 +0000 o.o mm si pego feo la caida de megupload verdad como que si se esta notando demaciado ya :(

Por: markpm30 Thu, 09 Feb 2012 05:09:02 +0000 Gracias por el aporte, una consulta el link de Utorrent funciona o es para próxima mente. Gracias saludos. :original:

Por: shacal_05 Thu, 09 Feb 2012 04:43:19 +0000 Muchas gracias por el enlace via torrent se agradece jimmy_criptoy

Por: magu28 Thu, 09 Feb 2012 03:45:31 +0000 Saludos muchas gracias… coloca por favor peliculas con magnet tambien… Saludos :roftl:

Por: rockart Thu, 09 Feb 2012 02:59:16 +0000 Muchas gracias :shock: , descargando!! :twisted:

Por: guillep Thu, 09 Feb 2012 02:57:57 +0000 gracias por el aporte y muy bueno que hayas agregado la descarga via torrent espero que se repita en futuras descargas :grin: :grin:
