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Desconocia la primera entrega pero esta pinta muy bien
Gracias por el aporte jimmy

Jugar a ser el anticristo? Que retro
Gracias jimmy por el aporte, será posible el “mega one link”

La portada y el nombre me recordo a elfenlied y la chava lucy… el cuarto manchado de sangre y la telekinesis… hasta la camisa de fuerza desgarrada algo similar al traje de lucy…

una duda comom se pone en español? al principio despues de istalarlo em dio un error k no encotnrava el codex.ini copi de nuevo i funciono pero todo esta en ingles alguna ayuda?
y gracias por este juego

el no quiere instalar el CODEX ??? alguien podria ayudarme

En este momento, de ninguna manera lo podrás poner en “Español”, porque el juego claramente como dice en el título, sólo está en inglés, no trae traducción ni doblaje.

Jimmy no podrias subir el lucius 1?

Update v1.0.150216.b:
– Fixed an issue where doors did not save their rotation and locking. This should fix the issue where you could get stuck behind a locked door.
– There seems to be some sort of memory leak somewhere on the saving and this is causing all sorts of problems. We are investigating the problem. Once this is solved we believe it will help alot with the saving situation.
– Fixed an issue where player was able to get MJ achievement in game but did not get it on steam. If you had it in-game then you should now get it on steam too.
– Fixed an issue with smoking kills achievement.
– Fixed an issue where changing movement buttons did not change Mind control and Object control movements.
– Fixed an issue where some controllers made the camera spin around.
– Fixed an issue where items suddenly appeared on the players head and killed him.
– Fixed an issue where mind controlled person could not walk well on the road.
– Fixed some issues with cremate. Effects should be much more lightweight.
– Fixed an occluder problem where some of the environment was not visible. (ex. Level 5)
– Fixed the sprinkler cover breaking in level 3. You can now use it even after loading.

q pena q no sea en español… eso ya echa mucho para atras

Update v1.0.150220b:
– Fixed an issue where saves got corrupted and eternal black screen stayed on the screen. This fix does not actually fix the already corrupted saves but re- saving should not create anymore the same problem.
– There were some problems with combinable items such as Home- Made Bomb and chemical tubes. These items should now better survive saving, loading and level changing. This will not fix already corrupted saves.
– Fixed an issue where player took damage randomly on the first level after loading.
– Fixed several saving issues with the last level boss fight.
– Fixed issues with animation state saving. Crosses should now remember their animation state
– Fixed an issue with vial combing. You should now need all four vials for make an explosive.
– Fixed an issue where water canister did not survive through level changes.
– Fixed an issue where boss battle had wrong music after loading with.
There still is an issue of having some items disappearing. But should not happen as often as before.
– Fixed an issue with resolutions were reverting back every time the player died. Fixed also several other bugs related to this.
– Added a one new way for doing and changed description to Smoking Kills achievement for a more fitting one. Note: Smoking kills is not designed work with Fuel Fire.
– Fixed an issue with MJ achievement not completing.
Changed some of the descriptions from The Patience is a virtue achievement.
– Fixed problem with player not being able to pick up items from water puddles.This was problematic especially when picking up the shotgun in the final level.
– Inventory Full text now correctly appears when trying to holster an item while player’s inventory is full.
– Changing holster button in the options now correctly changes the skill cancellation button as well.
– Fixed static faucet that were missing a collision in ICU room in level 4.
– Fixed an issue with money sometimes showing pickup button as [NULL].
– Items from NPC inventory were sometimes floating in air after the NPC died. This should not happen anymore.
– Fixed an issue where defibrillator was electrifying twice.
– Removed Chromatic Aberration effect from situations where players experienced strange colors during the effect (ie. Mind Control).
– Fixed performance issue when trying to cremate multiple bodies at once. This was causing freeze or even crash for some players.
– Mana/Health Full text now appears when trying to pick up these power ups when player has full health or mana.
– Fixed looping kill music in chapter 1 level 4 in the ICU room.
– Fixed several other issues of music overlapping.
– Fixed lucius taking damage out of nothing in the library in second level.
– Mind controlled NPC’s have no longer problems walking on pavement in ch 2 level 2.
– Player was not able to see hospital exterior from windows. This is now fixed.
– Fixed issues with Charles Wagner death narrations.
– Fixed some lightmaps from level Chapter 1 level 4.
– Added a helper text to the end scene.
– Added missing credits.
– Fixed an issue where player could not get out of level 3 because of elevator doors.
– Fixed some issues from electric radio puzzle in level 1.
– Fixed a bug where player was able to exploit himself out of boundaries in Ch2 level 1.
– Fixed some hospital windows that allowed player to position camera outside hospital allowing players to see things they shouldn’t.
– Fixed missing inventory icon from wooden stick in ch1 level 5.
– Fixed several descriptions from various objects.
– Fixed narration subtitles not matching with audio in chapter 1 level 4 ICU room kill.
– Fixed biocontainment missing icons from Chapter 2 level 4.
– Body in the morgue was missing material causing it look plain pink.
– Fixed payphone floating in air in level 5.
– Fixed some flickering textures from vending machines.
– Fixed some floating tubes from level 4.
– Fixed few sink sounds.
– Fixed an issue where sometimes you would see the button [NULL] on loot icon.

Buen dia. Gracias jimmy por el juego, de verdad. Tengo problemas con el juego tengo un procesador i3, 4 gb de ram drr3 y tarjeta de video geforce 9500gt 1gb. Lo tengo en graficas medias y le quite las tres ultimas pestañas o casillas de la configuracion de video (no me acuerdo como se llaman) y aun asi se queda pegado en el video de la presentacion antes de entrar en el menu principal del juego e incluso en el video de secuela del tutorial. Necesito una ayuda por favor y gracias.

Notes: Game is updated to the latest version (1.0.150601.b).
Update #1 – 1.06.2015
New update is out. We apologize for the time this took. We had some trouble with the translating side of things but hopefully everything is ok now.
We are closing into 6.6.2015 and for this week we are having a sale on all of Lucius.
Here are the more detailed patch notes.
New features:
Partial Pad support
Bug fixes.
Selecting quit while playing now exits to main menu instead of quitting the game. As a result removed profile menu from in game menu.
Removed tutorial page from quest loq as it were empty anywhere but the tutorial.
Made minor changes and improvements to HUD to support multiple languages.
Major bug fixes
Improved camera to avoid it from clipping through characters.
Fixed issues with some animations incorrectly resetting or not playing on loading the game from a save.
Fixed issue with some mission targets missing from the map.
Fixed some explosions spawning again when loading from a save.
Fixed issue with some breakable (shattering) items not breaking correctly on certain conditions. Some example of these items are the acid bottle and the fire axe case glass.
Fixed issue with screen shake effect briefly causing wacky player movement.
General bug fixes
Fixed missing or extra spaces brackets and line breaks in several places.
Fixed couple of mission description missing last words.
Fixed issue with all non-collected acid bottles disappearing from the world on certain conditions.
Fixed issue with items some disappearing when near explosions after load.
Fixed several flammable items (cans and bottles) not to spawn fire effect when loading the game.
Fixed issues with several in game objects spawning particle effects and/or sound on loading the game.
Fixed issue with camera settings changing after mind control.
Made small fixes to navigation meshes to avoid enemies from going through objects.
Fixed issue several cutscenes repeating on loading the game.
Added missing area name to map in levels C1L5 C2L1 and C2L3.
Fixed issue with cross achievement progression allowing one cross to be used to get the achievement by saving and loading.
Players should now be able to always go through the open garage door in the morgue after loading the game.
Fixed visible white seam on the skin of an arm of npc.
Fixed or removed incorrect descriptions from some items and objects.
Empty coke cans were leaking slippery liquid every time equipped. This should not happen anymore.
Fixed issue with with phone UI briefly appearing every time morgue worker used a phone.
Gas set on fire in morgue now correctly sets enemies on fire if they touch any part of fire effect.
Fixed offset fire effect in gas pipe trap at the power plant.
Improved washing machine collision precision and fixed disappearing program controller when breaking.
Broken oxygen container’s valve should not re-appear anymore on loading the game from save.
Fixed mind controlled enemies sometimes standing sideways a bit.
Improved gas canisters so that they will burn when set on fire instead of just breaking.
Improved electrified phone in ground level of hospital to stay electrified after player uses it.
Fixed layer issue that caused minimap to show on camera when calling to Dr. Evans. Also fixed Mr. Evans’ incorrect phone number.
Fixed issues with ceiling fans in H/W store and level four ICU room.
Fixed couple of issues with the phone bomb puzzle in chapter 1 level 4.
Activation of camera in first actual kill now should work every time.
Chapter 1 level 4 was missing floating level name.
Player could incorrectly open elevator doors next to level start in C1L4.
Fixed an issue with not being able to pick up certain pills in the pharmacy.
Fixed issues like flying and unattached wire with the electric cabinet in the first level.
Fixed unbreakable drying rack stick in the last level.
Adjusted woodchipper not to cause screen shake on loading a save.
Fixed one of the pressure pipes to fix problem with shooting in C2L4.
Re-enabled missing wooden sticks in chapter 1 level 4.
Re-enabled all the missing cigarettes lying around the game.
Fixed an issue several cutscene‘s repeating on loading the game.
Adjusted the position of floating MRI patient.
Fixed an issue with lighter not working after loading. This fix does not affect old saves.
Fixed an issue with water sink puzzle not working on certain conditions in C2L4.
Fixed an issue with camera going through ceiling in chapter 2 level 2.
Adjusted the position of some floating items.
Fixed some missing collisions.
Fixed several occlusion issues.
Some minor fixes.

Me lo puedes repetir?

Este tipo de juegos en las manos incorrectas puede generar ideas fantasiosas que terminan en matanzas reales por parte de chiquillos que han intentado repetir lo que han jugado.
Tan solo una opinión.
Un abrazo

No viene en español, solo viene en ingles y sin subtitulos

Funciona en Windows 8.1…?? no entiendo para que ponen XP Minimo si nadie utiliza este sistema en la actualidad y menos si necesita 4 GB de RAM para mover el Juego..

Muchas gracias! Podrías por favor colocar un enlacito único Mega para los pobres! Muchas gracias de nuevo!

En las opciones del juego, puedes elegir español.
El control y el doblaje es nefasto.
Gracias por compartirlo Jimmy

@Ricky Es obvio que debe correr en el Windows 8.1 si es un juego reciente, los que tienen problemas de compatibilidad son algunos juegos viejos.

@Trevor no digas tantas GILIPOLLECES, gracias.

Copia: ivpaste.com/v/b0JOVcqB

@jimmy_criptoy me he descargado he instalado el juego pero está en inglés… podrías decirme como ponerlo en español?? y sino bueno… tocará jugarlo en inglés u.u (aunque prefiero en español)
Un saludo!

@jimmy_criptoy sorry sí que está en español
Gracias por el aporte :3

Muchas gracias jimmy, lástima que venga en español.