Comentarios en: Sword of the Stars II: Lords of Winter (PC-GAME) En Busca del Conocimiento.... Sat, 01 Mar 2025 19:52:40 +0000 hourly 1 Por: Christopher Fri, 16 May 2014 00:56:37 +0000 Tengo una duda me tengo que descargar todo o con descargarme el upd 11 basta?

Por: jimmy_criptoy Wed, 21 Dec 2011 16:26:22 +0000 :arrow: Agregado:

Sword of the Stars II: Lords of Winter Update 18 info:


Critical Fixes:
+ Fixed a crash that could occur within the strategic AI could not determine which ships to construct for a fleet.
+ Fixed another crash related to selecting shield options in the design screen.
+ Mission estimates are back.
+ Fixed a crash related to fleet selection in the Battle Manager.
+ Fixed an issue where the star mapo camera could become locked after selecting a system for a diplomatic event.
+ Fixed a feasibility study crash.
+ Fixed mine frame rate issues.
+ Fixed mine audio issues.
+ Fixed frame rate issues when selecting large numbers of ships in combat.
+ Fixed an issue where fleet entry positions were not taking advantage of closer control zones.
+ Fixed the issue where game setup parameters were being lost when reloading a saved game.
+ Players rejoining hosted saved games will now be moved to their respective slots when possible.

Other Fixes:
+ Strike missions against stations now require the targets to be in sensor range.
+ Added missing Ionic and Shield Breaker weapon attributes.
+ Fixed an issue where Siege Drivers were not causing damage.
+ Added missing psionic abilities to modules.
+ Added missing tactical sensor range to colonies.
+ Fixed an issue that stopped cancelled fleets from being able to be issued new missions right away
+ Fixed an issue that caused the autosave to save the wrong turn number
+ Fixed a trigger constraint with the von neumanns
+ Fixed issues with calculating fleet ranges.
+ Fixed an issue where the endurance rating for fleets was falling below one turn.
+ Boarding pods are no longer factored into fleet endurance calculations.
+ Armor display on the design screen now updates correctly when changing techs.
+ Fixed an issue where colonization missions would not resume after clearing enemies out.
+ Fixed the bug where non Zuul factions where getting node line collapse events.
+ Fixed issues with station module assignment.
+ Fixed a number of small resizing issues in fleet lists.
+ Added missing combat fleet placements for neutral encounters.
+ Fixed an issue where damaged ships entered combat destroyed sections not properly connected.
+ Fixed various boarding pod issues.
+ Fixed issues with weapon target leading.
+ Added missing economic and research efficiency connections.
+ Von Neumann homeworld starts hidden once again.
+ Fixed Fire Control and AI Fire Control section effects.
+ Fixed an issue where all weapons would fire immediately when coming out of overthrust.

Other Changes:
+ Sensor memory and is now working.
+ Improved interfaces for all mission types except Station Construction and Upgrade.
+ Added features to the combat UI.
+ Introduced a Surveyed Systems view mode for the star map.
+ Reduced size of tactical star system.
+ Introduced surrounding behavior to combat AI.
+ Reduced structure of all ship sections.
+ Various weapon tweaks.
+ Made improvements to the research screen interface.
+ Added tooltips to all tech selections on the design screen.

Key Known Issues:
*** This update breaks old save games. ***
– Deployed gates are not showing up in combat.
– Some moon orbits are still incorrect.

Sword of the Stars II: Lords of Winter Update 17 info:


Critical Fixes:
+ ** Fixed known empty fleet issues caused by orphaned battle riders not being removed. **
+ Fixed crash due to module instance count not matching actual module count.
+ Fixed the crash caused by selecting fleets while in the province edit mode.
+ Fixed the crash caused by multiple special encounters (for instance System Killer and Asteroid Monitor) at the same system.
+ Fixed the reported colony update crash.
+ Fixed the reported System Killer crash.
+ Fixed a crash caused by bad data in certain turn events.
+ Fixed a crash that could be caused by transferring a battle rider to reserves.
+ Fixed the crash caused by a colonization fleet being destroyed just prior to the appearance of the Colony Self-Sufficient dialog.
+ Fixed a potential crash that could be caused by removal of collision from dying objects.
+ Fixed a crash that could be caused by not having enough admirals for starting fleets.
+ Fixed planetary missiles not firing.
+ Fixed numerous known issues with fleet pathing.
+ Fixed a bug where a different station would be upgraded than the one selected.

Other Fixes:
+ Fixed known issues with Battle Cruisers.
+ Fixed an issue where detonating weapons were not selecting the correct targets.
+ Fixed known issues with lagging PD target tracking and PD target selection.
+ Improved general target leading in combat.
+ Increased turret tracking speeds in general.
+ Fixed an issue where multi-volley weapon firing sequences were being timed incorrectly.
+ Fixed an issue where drones were not firing their targets.
+ Disabling a Command Monitor or its turrets now forces a neutral state to eliminate unwanted combat.
+ Fixed an issue where battle riders were launching in the design screen.
+ Fixed known issues with the Combat HUD showing incorrect information for multiple ship selections.
+ Fixed an issue that was causing jitter from ships in formation flying around planets in overthrust mode.
+ Immigration slider is now hidden until until the correct technology is available.
+ Fixed an issue where disruptors were not disabling turrets.
+ Fixed a few smaller issues with Protean placement.
+ Fixed the issue where battle riders were not being provided with default ships.
+ Fixed the missing Siege Driver impact effect.
+ Fixed many localization typos.
+ Fixed known turret arc issues.
+ Fixed some material issues on various Human faction models.
+ Fixed an issue where stance changes were being erroneously applied to battle riders and stations.
+ Fixed bug where player was being charged for civilian built mining station.
+ Fixed bug where enemy fleets would show up in phantom fleet widget when turn is ended.
+ Rewrote turn transition interface flow to more accurately represent turn processing time.
+ Removed scrim from GUI loading lockout, which may eliminate the rare reports of being stuck on a screen forever.
+ Fixed bug where tooltips would be one line no matter how long they where.
+ Fixed known issues with variable weapons in the weapon test screen.
+ Fixed known issues where Drone carriers were not attaching drones.
+ Fixed known issue where meteors could not be destroyed.
+ Fixed an issue where weapon recharge times were double the intended value.
+ Fixed bug with Zuul where all civilians where being considered as slaves
+ Updated colony UI to properly represent slave vs civilian population.
+ Fixed a bug where a player’s own colonies could be misinterpreted as being out of sensor range.

Other Changes:
+ Added new Double Helix star map.
+ Introduced combat AI surround and flank behaviors.
+ Adjusted some tech costs.
+ Made improvements to the research screen.
+ Tutorial pop-ups for Research and Starmap updated to reflect changes.
+ Added border and background to star map fleet and planet lists.
+ Planet orbital position changes have been disabled.
+ Asteroid Monitor special projects have been added.
+ Colonies will now launch heavy missiles if the population is high enough.
+ Introduced corrosive ship damage from weapons.
+ Added a better visual effect for ships being disrupted by EMP.
+ Improved strategic AI capabilities.

Key Known Issues:
*** This update breaks old save games. ***
– Tempest Array weapons are not firing.
– Some star systems have anomalous moon orbits.
– System Killer auto resolve is not producing results.
– Tarkas and Zuul Dreadnoughts have various turret arc corrections still to be made.

Sword of the Stars II: Lords of Winter Update 16 info:


+ Fixed Node Line deteriorating event crash.
+ Fixed colony destroyed crash.
+ Fixed VN target crash.
+ Fixed a von neumann constraint violation that was adding a bogus target.
+ Fixed constraint violation when inserting a weapon bank.
+ Fixed System Killer move order crash.
+ Star map nebula and other features are back.
+ Fixed colony populations not updating.
+ Added colony max repair points calculation to database to fix various bugs with colonies as repair ships.
+ Fixed inconsistency bug where ships requiring repair where not showing up in repair widget.
+ Fixed rounding bug where slightly damaged ships could never be repaired fully.
+ Fixed Liir Flickerwarp availability.
+ Fixed Spinal Mount availability.
+ Fixed numerous module, section and technology descriptions.

Sword of the Stars II: Lords of Winter Update 15 info:


– Fixed crash when launching drones in weapon test screen, backing to design screen, and then switching mission sections
– Fixed crash caused by opening battle manager at a system where platforms are available for placement.
– Fixed crash that could occur when destroying weapons in combat.
– Fixed crash at end of turn when offering treaty
– Fixed occasional crash due to Main Menu combat
– Enemy AI will prioritize faction opponents over random encounters when choosing stance
– Strat AI will now prefer to enter conquering stance over expansion when past the war threshold.
– Modified the calculation for AI expansion factor, it will no longer take into account unexplored systems.
– Various adjustments to enemy AI’s decision-making process
– Various adjustments to enemy AI to properly utilized specialized weapons
– Added combat UI for clicking on target locations for relevant weapons (Siege Driver, Detonating Torpedoes and COL).

– Fixed bug where platforms weren’t showing up in defense manager
– Fixed bug where ships built with new Gate designs would not be available for the Gate mission.
– Fixed a bug where dissolving a fleet would lead to empty fleets.
– Seige Drivers working for all factions
– Fixed known issues with mine laying in combat.
– Fixed missing repair capacity on relevant ship sections.
– Minelayer sections working for all factions
– Fixed mine behaviour (depending on mine – tracking, etc.)
– Fixed various Torpedo sections that weren’t firing
– Fixed arc of movement on all Zuul free-beam turrets
– COL weapons added.
– PD weapons now only engage PD targets
– Targets engaged per turret, not per bank (allowing PD, Torps, etc. engage multiple targets)
– Fixes for various weapon icons/names
– Fixed handful of missing tech descriptions
– Salvage missions are now properly being generated
– Fixed prototype modifiers for Human faction
– Fixed salvage profits
– Fixed weapon cost calculation in designs
– Ship option savings cost multipliers are now applied per section instead of per ship.
– Fixed various diplomatic messages that weren’t displaying
– Fixed incorrect calculation of turret efficiency based on power and crew.
– Technical knowledge now gathered during combat
– Research progress now displayed in Research screen
– Completed technologies now clearly marked in green
– Fixed bug where players were unable to build habitations for their own race
– Fixed bug where Zuul players could build alien habitations
– Allowable distance between systems in a province has been increased to 8-ly.
– Fixed various turrets with odd parameters and placement
– Fixed various weapons with odd parameters
– Fixed Morrigi BR AM engine label (not a streak engine)
– Added ability to set initial fire mode and target filter when creating a ship design
– Any ships left in a removed fleet are now properly cleared
– Introduced new Scan Satellites and Torpedo Satellites
– Any remaining ships in a removed fleet will now be deleted
– Fix to a constraint violation between diplomacy and turn events
– Combat ready ships will increase the calculate strength of an empire more than utility ships
– Fixed defense platforms not showing up in Combat
– Fixed known issues with tracking speed on turrets
– Introduced initial pass diplomacy requests and demands
– Fixed a sound bug when constructing stations (event played when ordered, not completed)
– Fix potential issue where system/planet killer would not avoid a station in its path
– Added weapon panel configuration to design screen
– Fixed known issues with direct-fire torpedoes behaving incorrectly
– Fixed known issues where boarding pods and assault shuttles were not able to connect to ships
– Fixed rider patrol paths around a star

Known Issues
*** This update breaks old save games. ***
– Human faction unable to select typo of COL for COL section ships.
– Slaves and system information are not yet hooked up to diplomacy.

Sword of the Stars II: Lords of Winter Update 14 info:


Critical Fixes:
+ Fixed crash when deleting favorite invoices.
+ Restricted transfer to defense fleet from fleet manager, which could have led to a crash.
+ Fixed the memory leak/crash when displaying range/damage graphs for weapons that don’t supply these values.
+ Fixed a crash in simulated combat related to fleets not being removed.
+ Fixed crash caused by colony intel not being removed when colony lost.
+ Fixed crash caused by only allowing a single defense fleet per system (should be defense fleet per system per player).
+ Fixed per-player initial technologies, colonies and savings.
+ Fixed duplicate module icons when exiting the design screen with the module selector present.
+ Fixed crashes related to new treaty news event messages.

Other Fixes:
+ Increased trade ranges for Human, Tarkas, and Liir-Zuul factions (game must be restarted for change to take effect.)
+ Fixed bug where battle riders would stay in construction system.
+ Fixed bug where bore ships where not refreshing node lines.
+ Added “No Module” item to the module selector.
+ Fixed bug where drones were not returning to tender in the weapon test screen.
+ Fixed issue where friendly ships were pursuing and firing at each other in combat.
+ Added research tech button to feasibility study dialog.
+ Changed research cube visual and added feasibility state.
+ Removed ability to build alien zuul habitations.
+ Removed alien habitation requirements from science stations.
+ Fixed bug where Alien habitations where showing up for races that werent encountered.
+ Fixed bug where foreign habitations would show up with no foreign player encountered.
+ IOBM’s now actively acquire new targets.
+ Hooked up names properly on favorite invoices.

Other Changes:
+ Tool tips added for ship statistic icons, weapon target filter and weapon behavior buttons.
+ Tweaked beam impact effects.
+ Tweaked combat AI behavior.
+ Disabled abandon colony button in New Colony dialog

Sword of the Stars II: Lords of Winter Update 13 info:


+ Fixed the bug where alien habitations would not become constructible on discovery of alien races.
+ Fixed initial battle riders not showing up in initial fleets.
+ Fixed a crash related to ship design options.
+ Fixed known issues with weapon/shield interactions.
+ Fixed an issue where control zones were not being updated after combat.
+ Fixed a crash that could occur when accessing defensive fleet positions after coming out of combat.
+ Fixed an issue with unresponsive ships in AI controlled combat.
+ Fixed a combat AI crash related to switching objectives.
+ Fixed known cases where required ship design options could be removed.
+ Fixed a post-combat crash caused by accessing information for destroyed ships.
+ Fixed the crash caused by accessing the Battle Manager for an empty star system.
+ Fixed a crash caused by missing module information text.
+ It is no longer possible to scrap enemy ships.
+ Added missing tool freighter, imports and trade goods tool-tips.
+ Added missing treaty accepted and treaty declined text.
+ Hooked up point of interest pings in sensor manager for certain random encounters.

Sword of the Stars II: Lords of Winter Update 12 info:


*** This update hasn’t been tested extensively on old save games. ***

Critical Fixes:
+ Improved turn times, especially for games with a large number of systems or players.
+ Fixed an issue in combat that was preventing players or AI from issuing waypoints for ships.
+ Fixed a crash the could occur when issuing orders to a ship with no crew.
+ Fixed a crash when entering combat with a beam-equipped planet.
+ Fixed an rare crash when entering combat that could be caused by destroyed turrets.
+ Fixed a combat AI crash related to ship formations.
+ Fixed a potential lock-up at the end of combat.
+ Initial pass at Diplomacy mechanics and interface.
+ Treaty and Declare War options are now available in the diplomacy screen.

Other Fixes:
+ Fixed minor issues with the players list in the lobby.
+ Fixed a server browser issue where more players than the max allowable would be displayed for a game.
+ Fixed known issues with combat AI not detecting enemy ships.
+ Fixed known issues where AI controlled ships could get stuck navigating around planets.
+ Fixed an issue where AI ships could fly into planets when performing fly-by maneuvers.
+ Combat AI will now attempt to lead targets when in pursuit instead of lagging behind.
+ Fixed minor issues with the Von Neumann Collector AI.
+ Fixed an issue that was preventing combat AI from listening to defense objectives.
+ Fixed a minor issue with Protean AI that would cause Proteans to venture too far from their planets in pursuit of targets.
+ Protean AI will now engage multiple targets.
+ Scattered AI task groups will now attempt to regroup when they get too scattered.
+ Civilian ships will now attempt to evade enemies unless they are the only ships left in combat.
+ Randomized AI patrol directions.
+ Fixed intermittent bug where ships in weapon test would not fire after a round of multiplayer combat.
+ Fixed an issue where a ship coming into combat with a dead module or turret would still get benefits of that module or turret.
+ Fixed a number of turret errors (placed inside ship, placed backwards, etc.)
+ Fixed Torpedo and Barrage ship sections to remove possibility of accidental torpedo imapacts when firing.
+ Fixed an issue where destroyed ship sections were coming into combat with modules and weapons.
+ Fixed the issue where unlocked Steam achievements were not being published. The game will post all currently unlocked achievements the first a players starts it after the update.
+ Fixed the issue where the steam overlay was not available in many cases.
+ Ships now drop out of overthrust when they reach their destination.
+ Ships awaiting docking of riders will now slow to 50% speed during the process.
+ Overthrust now prevents the launching of riders, and ships now recall riders before going in to overthrust.
+ Fixed a number of log file spam issues.
+ The System Killer will no longer run into stations.
+ Fixed bug where design name would be different than default if no name was entered.
+ Restricted prototypes to their own build orders.
+ Changed design display style and added delete buttons to items.
+ Made fleet summary button disable on end turn.
+ Added fleet summary dialog.
+ Added skills to initial admirals.
+ Added tooltips to admiral traits in admiral manager.
+ Removed preferred fleet icon from various places where it should not show up.
+ Ship prototypes are now class-specific.
+ Constrained drone turret arcs.
+ Ballistic weapons now only collide with deflectors and graviton shields.
+ Energy weapons now only collide with disruptor and meson shields.
+ Increased costs of technologies by about 20-30% in general.
+ Many minor tweaks to weapons.
+ Various minor weapon and ship section art fixes.
+ A loading screen is thrown up when transitioning back to the main menu.
+ Drone designs no longer get random faction names.
+ Fixed build order removal.
+ Locust menaces are now implemented.
+ Fixed an issue where muzzle node scaling was doing odd things to weapon effects.
+ Fixed an issue where some beams were firing backwards due to negative scaling factors.
+ Fixed an issue where idle animations were not playing in the weapon test screen.
+ Fixed an issue where ricochects were no longer occurring.
+ Fixed missing module icona and descriptions.
+ Added module information display classes
+ Fixed bug in battle manager when entering with both your own and enemy colonies in the system
+ Added module information display to build screen
+ Introduced new color scheme for build items.
+ Fixed a bug where players from previous games could show up in the diplomacy screen for subsequent games.

Other Changes:
+ By popular request, a SotS1 Human avatar makes it’s return.
+ Added turret viewing filters to the design screen.
+ Rotation of the ship in the design screen is now constrained to a single axis.
+ Added more obvious differentiation between prototyped and non prototyped designs.
+ Added color coding to admiral trait display in admiral manager.
+ Diamond icons now show up for ships at a distance in combat.
+ It is now possible to configure options for ship sections in the design screen.
+ Weapons can now be configured on ships in the design screen by clicking points on the ship model as well as the icon itself.
+ Added tutorial pop-up for Diplomacy screen.
+ It is now possible to scrap ships by clicking the trash can icons.
+ Selected design weapons are now displayed in the build screen.
+ Improved module selection in the design screen.
+ Added new star map: Jax.

Key known issues:
– Default options are not being enforced in the design screen.
– Scrapping ships does not yet yield bonuses.
– AI is not assigning design options correctly.
– When playing in single-player mode with the end turn delay, UI elements do not get locked out between turns.
– The game is not allowing alien habitation modules to be constructed even after encountering other players.

Sword of the Stars II: Lords of Winter Update 11 info:

r18051 (r18002c)

Critical fixes:
– Fixed invisible fleets in mission lists.
– Fixed an end-of-combat crash caused by inserting the same combat results into the game twice.
– Fixed invisible Morrigi DLC Grav Boat model.
– Fixed invisible Tarkasian DLC stations.
– Fixed invisible Human DLC stations.
– Disabled purple placeholder effect appearing on all turret muzzles when firing. Existing muzzle effects still display as they did before the last update.
– Fixed an issue where Horde Zuul fleets were unable to perform missions within support range.

Other fixes:
– Fixed a bug where modules were not being counted correctly on stations that players begin the game with.
– Fixed an issue that was preventing foreign and alien habitation modules from being applied to stations.
– Fixed support range display for stations and colonies. Note that fleets will still use their own supply and this will allow them to exceed base station and colony supply ranges represented by the white borders.

Por: Javier Wed, 30 Nov 2011 16:00:14 +0000 Es necesario instalar todos los update o puedo poner solo el ultimo? :grin:

Por: Javier Mon, 28 Nov 2011 05:07:46 +0000 :grin: Que bueno pinta esto. Mil gracias. Se podra pasar a español?

Por: @lalala Sun, 20 Nov 2011 01:47:21 +0000 @capkoko yo me bajé desde el 2-7,8 y 9 de Demonoid y andan perfecto :)

Por: jimmy_criptoy Sat, 19 Nov 2011 15:49:41 +0000 :arrow: Agregado: Sword.of.the.Stars.II.Lords.of.Winter.Update.9.and.10-SKIDROW

Sword of the Stars II: Lords of Winter Update 10 info:


Critical fixes:
– fix crash when current formation is removed.
– Fixed a crash when you killed the system killer.
– Fixed random, occasional crash in the encyclopedia code.
– Removed nonsensical option to roll stations, which caused a crash.
– Fixed a crash with proteans.
– Fixed a potential crash issue in the battle manager.
– Added text box filtering for “, ‘, and ; to prevent known crash issues (e.g. when giving ships a name).
– Fixed circumstances under which canceling a mission might crash game.
– Fixed bug where fleets were getting forced to center of the sun.
– Fixed bug where fleets could be placed inside planets.
– Post combat dialog now shows information on destroyed ships and other useful things.
– Blastmissile technology now researchable.
– Fixed the issue where armor damage patterns were being swapped to different ship sections between combat rounds.

– Fixed drones firing while docked on carrier parent.
– Fixed spacing issue when adding a drone carrier to fleet.
– Adjusted base volley and weapon range deviation (note: shotgun deviation may be a little high).
– Fixed drones attachment points on some carrier sections.
– Fixed so non-tracking torpedos no longer able to damage own ship.
– Combat data will now be sent after determining victory status.
– Added power bonus to modules.
– Added default weapons to module banks.
– Fixed an issue with some music not looping.
– Updated the strat modifier cost when you acquire rapid prototyping.
– Fixed an issue that allowed humans to see and use zuul node lines.
– Fixed an issue that allowed players to do missions outside their sensor range.
– Changed the stations to use ‘under construction’ assets when being built.
– Made the first arrival of colonization missions apply the support factors from its fleet.
– Added fix to ensure that randoms and grand menaces don’t spawn if all of them were disabled.
– Fixed missing suulka cannon beams.
– Fixed auto-picked targets by ship/fleet stance (function did not always pick a valid target to pursue, stand off, or retreat from).
– Ships without crew are now removed after Combat, counted as destroyed.
– Fixed inaccurate locations for applied damage patterns.
– Fixed a localized text thing in the empire management screen to accurately represent trade income.
– Added a fix to stop the Von Neumanns from continuously building stuff.
– Fixed beamers not doing damage.
– Added fading to various interface elements.
– Fixed bug where battleriders would show up in battle manager.
– Fixed bug where stations could be built around enemy colonies.
– Fleets without admirals no longer display “Defacto” as their admiral.
– Combat events now show names properly.

Other changes:
– Post-combat popup has been added.
– Added trade view slider display.
– Added in-game game and audio options.
– Added categories for the option screen for all effects.

Key known issues:
– The design screen must be re-entered before new Drone designs can be applied to ships.
– Biomissiles and boarding pods may not appear with ship designs.
– The post-combat dialog does not completely fit information for combats involving more than two players.
– Certain Battle Cruisers and Destroyers can carry riders, but these are not showing up in combat.

Sword of the Stars II: Lords of Winter Update 9 info:


*** This update hasn’t been tested extensively on old save games. ***

Critical fixes:
– Fixed a bug that prevented income from being generated when doing a feasibility study.
– Fixed a crash that could occur when trying to automatically distribute sliders from a hidden slider.
– Fixed a crash with support missions trying to open a dialog twice in a turn.
– Fixed a crash that would occur if closing the game while it was booting up.
– Fixed a von neumann crash caused by the faction running out of resources for a new collector fleet.
– Fixed an issue with crashing gem/forge world events from trying to apply moral bonus.
– Drones can now be designed and assigned to ships.
– Battle Riders may now be launched and recovered via their weapon icons in combat.
– Combat turn flow was rewritten. All combat queries are now answered at once, and then all combat simulations play out.
– Fixed a bug that stopped biome colonizers from improving terraforming values.

Other fixes:
– Fixed a recent issue where only the default player profile would be used.
– Fixed tech requirements on a few freighter ship sections.
– Removed “freighter” designation from ship sections to which it was incorrectly applied.
– Tarka freighter savings cost has been reduced from 1.5-million to 150,000.
– Leviathan stats have been improved.
– Tweaked turret arcs on a number of ship and station sections.
– Stations whose crew die off stop rotating in combat.
– Patrol battle riders now follow their tenders better.
– Fixed an issue where battle riders were not swarming around stations effectively.
– Fixed feasibility speech cues from using wrong speech library.
– Fixed admiral driven speech to use proper case.
– Fixed researching sound.
– Fixed research completed early sound cue.
– Fixed the battle draw and winning battle speech cues.
– Fixed under-the-hood sliders to automatically reset themselves to zero.
– Fixed an issue with swarmers trying to assign themselves to systems with no planets.
– Fixed an issue with the flock bonus not being used as a percentage.
– Moved the overharvest warning event to the correct location to stop it spamming every time the IO was queried.
– Fixed an issue that caused the gem and forge world events to spam.
– Fixed battle manager bug when entering system with no Naval base.
– Made visual culling much more subtle on star map to avoid labels popping in and out.
– Cleaned up view filter modes, populated list through code instead of through xml.
– Fixed issue in battle manager where station slots where being displayed even if no CP was available.
– Properly hooked up Mission/Engine section name display to riders in rider manager.
– Combat ready animations no longer loop incorrectly on ships.
– Save games should stay significantly smaller now due to the disabling of a debug feature that was storing a detailed history of all previous changes.
– Fixed a visual issue where tracking torpedoes would draw erroneous lines across the screen.
– The trade view filter on the star map now shows different icons for star systems.
– Fixed a bug that caused the admirals to return an incorrect admiral prefix to sound cues.
– Fixed a bug where Liir Naval Stations were displaying Hiver station assets.
– Fixed visual jitter for battle riders returning to tender.
– Fixed an issue where turn events were not displaying for some.
– Fixed various sizing bugs in GUI lists.
– Protean pods will return attacks.
– Fixed incorrect terrain names in Clouds and Ring star maps.

Other changes:
– New entries have been added to the encyclopedia’s Galactic Atlas.
– Added new weapons: Blast Storm Missile, Polaris Blast Beam Missile
– Added new Rift star map.
– Added the ability to skip camera transitions with the escape key.
– Added a tutorial help screen for trade.
– Added Zuul freighters.
– Added missing Von Neumann PD weapons.
– Adjusted station visibility distances for combat.
– Added default ship names for command ships, bore ships, and gate ships.
– Implementation of initial, new post combat dialog.
– Added trade Modifier for trade distances.
– Added a table to keep track of trade results to stop clients from not being able to see trade.
– Stopped the ability to trade with someone you are at war with.
– Increased the max planet range for provinces by 1 ly.
– Added a configuration ability for disabling the main menu combat scene. There is no user interface for this diagnostic option, but it can be modified at your own risk in

‘%localappdata%\Sword of the Stars II\settings\settings.xml’ by adding or modifying the LoadMenuCombat element with a True or False value.
– Added launch effects for planet-to-orbit weapons.
– Added “Reserve Slot” label to reserve rider slots.
– Added events for post combat.
– Added realtime feedback to trade slider adjustment in trade view.
– Added filter to battle rider manager to display only carriers in widget.
– Added color coding to riders in rider manager.
– Added max flock bonus to strat mods and hooked it up to morrigi drive tech.
– Added a function for adding orbits with orbit numbers.

Key known issues:
– There is no post-combat popup.
– Screen transition time still slow for some.
– Game not running in 64-bit for some (running 32-bit works).
– Looking for people unable to connect to GameSpy for MP.

Por: capkoko Mon, 14 Nov 2011 10:44:26 +0000 A mi me pasa lo mismo que @lalala, desde los updates 4 al 8 no me deja ejecutarlo. En cuanto sale la pantalla de Kerberos se cuelga y genera un txt de error. Lo que comentan es que es un error de Skidrow que algo esta haciendo mal porque le pasa a mucha gente, habra que esperar.

Por: jimmy_criptoy Sun, 13 Nov 2011 14:04:29 +0000 :arrow: Agregado: Sword.of.the.Stars.II.Lords.of.Winter.Update.7.and.8-SKIDROW

Sword of the Stars II: Lords of Winter Update 8 info:

Known Issues
– Drones cannot be designed.

– Many additions to the Defense Manager, which has now been renamed to Battle Manager.
– Fixed a crash with weapons doing half a population damage.
– Fixed a crash with the locust updating its turn.
– Fixed crash in Starmap that could occur when changing between maps in game setup quickly.
– Fixed a crash during saving if using unique extended characters as part of your profile name.
– Fixed a crash associated with the admiral trait True Grit.
– Interaction with COL weapons temporarily disabled while fixing crash in Design Screen.
– Added stance control for ships in formation in combat.
– Re-implemented trade layer.
– Bankruptcy system now in effect.
– Biome-colonizers now active.
– Increased sensor ranges.
– Improved Leviathan class death sequences.

– Fixed a bug where station upkeep was not being deducted from savings.
– Fixed a bug where prototype costs were not being applied to savings.
– Fixed some issues with misnamed event images.
– Fixed an issue where dragging and dropping fleets could in some cases duplicate them.
– The game will now only keep the most recent set of log files. Old copies will be automatically deleted.
– Improvements and a handful of fixes made to the meteor shower random encounter.
– Fixed an issue that allowed trade points to be reused in a trade round.
– Made some optimizations to the gathering of planet/system data for the budget.
– Made some optimizations to the gathering of data for players with combat assets.
– Fixed an issue where weapons and modules could display with incorrect materials.
– Swapped battlerider reserve and wing/squad slots to make use clearer.
– Added tooltips to rider squad/wing/reserve buttons.
– Added trade view overlay elements to star map drawing, first pass.
– Combat entrance transition now active.
– Added improved visual cues when dropping into and out of accelerated time in combat.
– Fixed a variety of issues with battle rider behavior in combat.
– Fixed incorrect asteroid monitor locations in combat.
– Fixed broken images in the encyclopedia.
– Tweaked stats of engine sections.
– Removed items in the Starmap Lobby will no longer remain selected.
– Fixed an issue where double the number of riders were being loaded into combat.
– Fixed an issue where riders would detonate instead of returning to tender.
– Fixed an issue where mounted riders could prevent ships from rotating.
– Tweaks to many ship sections, stations, weapons and related art.

– New politics section added to encyclopedia.
– Added new star maps: Wave (3) and Big Disc (8)
– Added player details to the server browser.
– Added trade view filter to the star map.

Sword of the Stars II: Lords of Winter Update 7 info:

– Fixed a crash that would occur when transitioning from the Starmap to the Main Menu screen.
– Reduced time it takes to transition from sub-screens to the Starmap.
– Fixed an error with AI ship names.
– System Killer will no longer spawn so close to a planet.
– Camera will no longer focus on the sun when placing a station.
– Colonization dialog will now display appropriate text.
– Autosaving will no longer append “(Autosave)” if it already exists.
– Corrected an issue with trade stations not generating income.
– Random encounter spawn rate will now respect the percentage set by the player.
– PD Lasers will no longer incorrectly target enemy ships.

– Enemy ships within sensor range but not visible will now be represented as a red diamond.
– Missiles will now appear in sensor view.
– Improved System Killer AI.
– Some AI processing speed optimization.

Por: lalala Mon, 07 Nov 2011 22:44:07 +0000 se me cuelga el juego con el último update T_T

Por: jimmy_criptoy Sun, 06 Nov 2011 00:29:48 +0000 Agregado:

Por: devildrey33 Fri, 04 Nov 2011 03:56:39 +0000 Pues según dicen en el foro oficial planean sacar tres parches a la semana durante un tiempo indefinido xd, así que no se yo si realmente llega a beta.

Por: capkoko Tue, 01 Nov 2011 22:56:07 +0000 Ahi le has dado jimmy. Me da que este juego va a tener muuuchos parches hasta dejarlo como deberia haber salido pero aun asi el juego tiene muy buena pinta (si te gusta el genero claro). Dicen de sacar 2 o 3 parches por semana asique va para largo.

Por: jimmy_criptoy Tue, 01 Nov 2011 22:20:17 +0000 :arrow: Agregado: Sword.of.the.Stars.II.Lords.of.Winter.Update.3-SKIDROW

Por: diosenes1 Tue, 01 Nov 2011 18:23:21 +0000 Saluods cuando voy a jugar (ya instale y segui los pasos y el orden establecido) me sale el error: Error al iniciar la aplicación porque no se encontro d3d10.dll. La reinstlacion de la aplicacion puede solucionar el problema.

Nadie ha tenido ese problema?? jimmy no sabes como arreglarlo??? gracias

Por: capkoko Sun, 30 Oct 2011 22:22:30 +0000 Gracias Jimmy, aunque el update 2 tampoco soluciona muchos de los errores del juego.
Por lo visto leyendo en el foro de la compañia han sacado el juego en fase beta y todavia faltan muchas cosas por pulir. Aun asi el juego puede jugarse. Tiene algunos bugs bastante molestos: se va el sonido del juego, algunos menus no aparecen, algunos experimentan CTD, a mi con la version update 2 no me deja entrar en el menu opciones y otros mas, no viene un tutorial de como jugar ( y es realmente imprescindible si nunca has jugado a un juego de estos o a su primera version porque tiene tantos detalles que te pierdes…). En fin esperaremos a futuros parches pero de momento.

Por: jimmy_criptoy Sun, 30 Oct 2011 03:50:51 +0000 :arrow: Agregado Sword.of.the.Stars.II.Lords.of.Winter.Update.1-SKIDROW y Sword.of.the.Stars.II.Lords.of.Winter.Update.2-SKIDROW

El primero incluye un DLC, por eso el peso. El segundo soluciona algunos errores.

Sword of the Stars II: Lords of Winter Update 1 info:

– This is the build that was intended to go out this morning.
– A large part of the update is DLC content that is now active.

Sword of the Stars II: Lords of Winter Update 2 info:

– Fixed some intermittent crashes that could occur on the star map.
– Solved an issue where planet details screen might not clear out old information.
– Fixed black ships in star map.
– Fixed other graphical glitches that have been reported.

Saludos !!

Por: capkoko Sat, 29 Oct 2011 14:24:45 +0000 Es esta la version oficial del juego? Lo digo porque la primera version del juego que saco SKIDROW era una beta con muchos bugs que los de steam sacaron por error. Ya hay un parche de skidrow de 1gb y pico para solucionarlo.

Por: jimmy Sat, 29 Oct 2011 01:29:35 +0000 Muchas Gracias por el juego, Pinta bien lo descargare ;)

Por: pedro luis Sat, 29 Oct 2011 00:09:39 +0000 gracias por el juego
