The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing Multilenguaje (Español) (PC-GAME)
Muchisimas gracias lo estaba esperando
me encantan estos juegos asi como nunca pude jugar diablo 3
es cosa mia o el juego no esta al 100% en español?
Gracias!!! se ve buenisimo!
Muy entretenido, gracias por el juego
Gracias por el juego
una pregunta como lo paso a español cambie el steam_api.ini pero sigue en ingles
1. Unrar.
2. Install the update.
3. Copy over the cracked content from the /Crack directory on the image to
your game install directory.
4. Play the game.
5. Support the software developers. If you like this game, BUY IT!
Major changes include:
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing v1.0.01
Known issues:
– The multiplayer game still has some issues. Please use it with a character created for the multiplayer only because data loss may occur sometimes.
Balance changes:
– The Blood Rabbit is a lot stronger now.
– The monsters in the Sewers around the Secret Lair are weaker now.
– The final wave of attackers in the Siege of the Secret Lair has been reduced in numbers.
– The price of some epic items has been modified.
– The shooting range of the Dreadknechts has been decreased
Fixed bugs:
– Multiplayer
Fixed an issue at “Online character” saving.
A lot of crash/disconnect issues have been fixed.
The ping column has been removed from the game list.
– Fixed an issue with the audio volumes.
– Fixed an issue with Veteran Domovoys AI.
– Fixed an issue with the scrollbar in the Ink Gate window.
– The final boss will talk your head off – like he should do.
– The outro movie is played when the final boss has collapsed – not when he gets the killing blow.
– You could only select from the first 10 skills you’ve learned even though there are 11 active skills. This has been fixed.
– Fixed crash on the Artifact Forge window.
– Fixed an issue with conversations in different resolutions.
– Localisation issues have been fixed in the German, Spanish, Hungarian and Portuguese language versions.
– Cloak appears properly on Van Helsing when the equipped item is changed.
– The area of the bridge detonation cutscene has been adjusted (it could be avoided)
– Fixed a bug with the customize button. (It didn’t save your settings if you used online character.)
New features:
– 2560×1080 and 6052×1200 resolutions are supported.
alguien mas tiene el mismo problema que yo
no se si este asiendo algo mal pero no puedo poner el juego o al menos los subs en español modifique el steam_api pero no pasa nada
aver si alguien se da un tiempo para ver responderme
Se puede jugar este juego en modo cooperativo?? por tunngle o algo por el estilo?
Se corrompen a veces los juegos salvados. (Ya van 2 veces…)
Pone que el caracter ha sido creado con una version antigua y no deja jugar con el (horas tiradas…)
Alguien podría subir un savegame al comienzo del 2º capítulo? (con el poblado acabado).
hola, muchas gracias x los juegos, una consulta de ignorante nomas, 9.7 GB | Medicina Incl. en que los grabo? – DVD-9: equivalentes a 7.95 Gb.
y DVD-10: equivalentes a 8.75 Gb, viene para 2DVD5?
amigos disculpen la molestia pero queria saber si a alguno de ustedes le pasa lo que a mi. es que cuando inician los videos de conversacion del juego c pegan y tengo que cerrar el juego y volverlo a iniciar
esta muy bueno el juego, pero tengo un problema en el capitulo 3 del juego, cuando tengo que hacer la mision en la que tengo que pasar por un portal de mi guarida al palacio de las maquinas o algo asi, se me cierra el juego y no puedo seguir abansando con la historia… alguien tiene alguna solucion? ya probe instalando el update y nada…
Hey ! man al iniciar me bota error (0x0000142) no puedo arreglarlo :S:S: ayudas xfaz
M e podrias ayudar el juego es super bueno pero en la mision de bersked comienza acargar el mundo y se sale del juego lo toma como error me podrias ayudar con eso
Disculpa cuando voy a poner la password para abrir el archivo , me sale un error al terminar de extraer , dice archivo dañado o contraseña incorrecta ,y eso que la he pegado y copiado de la pagina , ya van dies veces que lo intento asi
ahhhhhh,… las voces se las puede volver a español?
o se van a quedan en ingles nomas?????
Hola, despues de instalar el juego y poner el crack en su sitio, no me inicia. Clikeo el icono del juego y no hace nada. Alguna idea?
This is the third update for this game, and you do not need any previous
update for this release, just the main release. We changed version labelling
to reflect the publishers label.
Check the included text file for a list of what’s been patched.
1. Unrar.
2. Install the update.
3. Copy over the cracked content from the /Crack directory to
your game install directory.
4. Play the game.
5. Support the software developers. If you like this game, BUY IT!
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing v1.1.05
Known issues:
The multiplayer game still has some issues. Please play it with a character created for the multiplayer only because data loss may occur sometimes.
Balance changes:
Will-o-Wisps and Ornithopters are slightly nerfed.
Monsters on the roof maps are slightly stronger.
The Marquis of Soot is stronger and got some new friends.
Igor’s range of the mine laying ability reduced.
Some new chests added to the Industrial Port.
Damage of Traps is scaled to Difficulty, the number of players and also as the story progresses.
Losing Generator Capacity after a failed Siege may result in traps being destroyed randomly.
Levels of Quests give appropriate Item rewards.
“Point of no return” is removed from the game. You can go back to the first chapter after getting to Borgova.
You can no longer farm for Ability Points through special conversation rewards like the Gluttoner Idol or Saffi’s magic potion if you play in the Multiplayer game of someone else. You will receive such rewards only once.
The inherent Magic Item Find bonus in Hardcore reduced.
Fixed bugs:
Fixed a bug with the bossfight when the master died and respawned in town.
Fixed some bugs with the game list window.
Fixed bugs with the effects
Made some improvements with the scripts.
Made some optimizations in the network code.
The amount of the XP received by killing a monster is individually calculated for each player. (I.e. killing a lower level monster with a higher level character can give XP for a lower level character on the same map.)
The XP range has been removed. You receive the XP from the monster even if you are far away as long as you are on the same map.
Made some countermeasures against the “file too old” bug. Backup creating checks if the previous save was correct and if it wasn’t, it does not overwrite the proper game save with a broken one.
Fixed a bug with the “Werewolf on the run” quest.
When synchronizing with the Steam Cloud, if no appropriate save has found on the Cloud, the local version is moved to the Backup\Cloud folder.
Synchronizing with the Steam Cloud is much safer.
Fixed a random bug with the Multiplayer game list not showing any games even though there are available games.
Fixed a bug where the “Find the Engineer” quest got stuck.
Fixed an issue with the experimental gate in the Abandoned Research Station.
Spells reapply correctly when changing maps.
Fixed a bug with the “Kill Fulmigati’s General” quest.
Fixed the spiders in the Worm’s cave in the Orichalcum Mines scenario.
Fixed a display inconsistency with Skill resets.
Fixed an issue that caused monsters to attack during a cutscene.
Fixed another issue where items could be dropped inside terrain objects.
Fixed a recent bug with the one liners of the final boss.
Fixed an issue with the Merchant in Croakwood.
Fixed some localization issues with the Scenario mode.
Fixed the Obsessed Alchemist hidden achievement.
Fixed an issue with the Forge: you can no longer forge Trophies with more than 5 enchants.
Fixed some consistency issues with the different Scenarios.
Improved the AI of the Dreadknechts and the rats with rifles.
Behemoths can no longer be knocked down.
The chests give loot based on their own level.
Fixed the 3% Life Steal for the 50 Mastery bonuses on the Occult Hunter tree.
Fixed a missing localization string for the poodle of goo in the Rookery.
Fixed an issue with the calculation of Mana Steal on the Character Sheet.
Fixed a crash in the Forge window.Fixed the missing icon in the Achievement window for the Treasure Hunter DLC bonus.
Fixed an issue with skill respec.
Fixed an issue with the Ray of Destruction and switching skill sets.
Fixed the additional levels of the Elemental Damage Skill.
Fixed the progress window when you are invited to a bossfight in different resolutions.
Fixed an item duplication bug with the Laboratory.
Fixed an issue with the activation of the Mentor Perk.
The Explosive Rounds powerup of Shoot no longer causes friendly fire.
Some skill descriptions have been changed for better reflecting their actual effects.
Rats in the Lair for the Clear the Tunnels quest fixed.
The lag when changing to the Excalibur fixed.
Fixed certain minor bonuses you could receive through conversations.
When you leave the Secret Laboratory with the help of the Inventor the nighttime version of the Industrial Port becomes unavailable. At this point you will automatically fail “The orichalcum shipment” quest, if you haven’t finished it yet.
Fixed some issues with equipment models.
New features:
Some new resolutions supported: 2048×1152, 2880×1620, 3200×1800 and 3840×2160.
Known issues:
The multiplayer game still has some issues. Please play it with a character created for the multiplayer only because data loss may occur sometimes.
Balance changes:
Lady Katarina has percentage based HP regeneration on each difficulty level.
Fixed bugs:
Fixed an issue with Snowpelt.
Fixed a Multiplayer-related issue with the Parry skill.
Players cannot teleport outside the map anymore.
Custom colors of other players work correctly.
Fixed a rare issue where Lady Katarina forgot which combat form she used last time.
Fixed the second Set bonus of the Ravenscar Belt.(Giving some Weapon Damage bonus to a Belt doesn’t really help much )
Items couldn’t get dropped inside terrain objects.
Whirlwind Ornithopters fixed.
Wasp Ornithopter fixed.
Assault Ornithopter fixed.
Some pathfinding improvements have been implemented.
New features:
Scenario Mode is available in the game.
Achievements got in-game icons.
NOTA. No requiere updates previos, solo tener instalado el juego.
Sigue sin arrancarme el juego. Nadie me da una idea de por qué puede ser?
Funcionando al 100%. 0 problemas. gracias por el game.
A los colegas que tienen problemas…quitar el juego y volver a instalarlo.
-tienes que tener instalado el vcredist_x86 o vcredist_x64 (dependiendo de la arquitectura que uses 32 ó 64 bits)
– DirectX actualizados.
el mismo juego trae esos programas para k los instales.
P.D: Al finalizar la instalación del juego te aparece una ventana con los programas mencionados para que los marques e instales. (aparte trae PhysX, también instalarlo.)
espero les sirva…saludos
bueno el juego gracias pregunta:
habra la posibilidad que puedas poner los DLC del juego? por internet vi hay que un dlc para pero aun es por STEAM
1. Unrar
2. Install the update.
3. Copy over the cracked content from the /Crack directory to
your game install directory
4. Play the game
5. Support the software developers. If you like this game, BUY IT
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing v1.1.08
Known issues:
The multiplayer game still has some issues. Please play it with a character created for the multiplayer only because data loss may occur sometimes.
Fixed bugs:
Fixed a bug where the client could receive the Explosives Expert and the SWAG achievement.
Activation and aggression range of the monsters decreased in multiplayer games.
Fixed a crash when picking up loot as client.
Passive auras couldn’t apply several times, if morethan 2 player played a game.
Fixed an item duplication issue.
Fixed an issue that caused Helsing to get stuck in the spell casting animation if you put a spell on the left click.
Fixed a potential memory leak with the Online characters.
Monsters couldn’t attack you during cutscenes.
no me anda el juego alguien me ayuda tengo todo lo ultimo en grafico controladors driver todo me dice la aplicacion no pudo inicar correctamente eerro vanhensin_x64exe
subilo a mega de nuevo esta caido
se ve bueno el juego, una duda es necesario bajar todos los update o solo el ultimo ( me refiero a si son acumulativos)
Changelog v1.2.73:
Fixed bugs:
– Katarina’s Chillwave now affects cast speed too.
– Katarina’s basic ranged attack is now homing to guarantee a hit.
– Parry now works on ranged attacks, if the enemy is close enough.
– After defeating the final boss, now all the enemies on the map die
immediatly, as they should.
– Swirling Void no longer sticks to the selected enemy if it’s no
longer selected.
– The game now correctly plays videos again.
– Traps are now working correctly again.
– You can now disable controller by starting the game with “nocontroller”
(without quotes) command line argument.
– Fixed a bug where the final boss did not change attack state on the
client side.
– Fixed a bug where the final boss did not play charge sound during
charging on the client side.
– In some special cases the cooldown could go to infinite cooldown.
This bug has been fixed.
-Install the update to your game dir
-Copy the crack
-Play the game
The.Incredible.Adventures.of.Van.Helsing-RELOADED is required.
This is the full update and no previous updates are required.
To get your savegames back, go to Documents\NeocoreGames\Van Helsing\SaveGame
and rename the folder with custom numbers to ‘68157440’.
Included DLCs:
– Scenario Mode
– Treasure Hunter Perk
– Veteran Multiplayer Skin
– Blue Blood
– Thaumaturge
– Arcane Mechanic
– Bonus Kit
no me funciona el idioma en español ya cambie en steam pero nada .
de todos mos gracias
amigo…. mira si puedes re subir los link ninguno esta activo y gracias….
Graicas, me hace falta terminar este juego y con el ultimo update si que lo voy a disfrutar
si mira muy interesante este juego, se te agradece.