Comentarios en: Victory At Sea (PC-GAME) En Busca del Conocimiento.... Sat, 01 Mar 2025 19:52:40 +0000 hourly 1 Por: JairoIV Fri, 16 Sep 2016 05:31:37 +0000 Genial juego. Gracias por el post.

Por: madmax Fri, 08 Jan 2016 08:36:14 +0000 te amo

Por: Werneriabits Tue, 23 Jun 2015 16:17:17 +0000 Jimmy, ¿Cuando subìs la pelicula los vengadores: La Venganza de Ultron?

Por: Hasbro2 Tue, 23 Jun 2015 13:34:31 +0000 Gracias jimmy @Leandro yo venia a preguntar lo mismo, todavia no hay crack, sin embargo ojala Jimmy pueda subirlo asi vamos descargando a la espera del crack.

De todas maneras, luego se vienen los propers, fixes y el lio de los 1000 post, porque ya lei que “dicen” el juego para version pc esta “pobremente optimizado”, eso te da la idea de los updates

Por ejemplo el GTAV, yo lo tengo por Steam y todavia no comence a jugarlo justamente por la cantidad de updates hasta el momento (van dos de las ultimas dos semanas que todavia nadie posteo con crack)


Por: Leandro Tue, 23 Jun 2015 12:45:15 +0000 JIMMY GRACIAS!!

Por: jimmy_criptoy Mon, 22 Jun 2015 18:50:53 +0000 :arrow: Victory.At.Sea.MULTI3-POSTMORTEM
Victory At Sea – Update 1.3 – Mods and Translations

Major features

Game Mods
Change the game! Sick of not having radar for your Japanese ships? Want more torpedo launchers? Maybe you want to remove all the ships and battle only with modified oil tankers! All ship stats can be changed, new ships can be added (based on the existing models) and campaign fleet compositions altered.

Check out the discussion forums as some of our beta testers have already created mods and made them available for all to try.

Game is now available in German and French as well as English.

Other changes
-Italian ships now available in the German/Japanese campaigns.
-Added some new Achievements.
-Directing multiple formations at once should respond better now.
-Cancelling an attack on a port or a docking action will now reposition your ship to avoid getting stuck.
-Large numbers of save files will no longer cause memory issues.
-Changed Allied forces health bar colour to be more easily distinguished from the sea.
-Selling a ship now returns 75% of the sell price, rather than 25%.
-If the only undestroyed ships in the players fleet are Submarines, enemies will not attack on the campaign map.
-Pacific end-game enemy should scale better.
-AI in formation will no longer forget their orders if the formation leader leaves the battle.
-Some small performance tweaks for large scale battles.
-Ships will now show any missing hp/crew and aircraft in the attack stats screen.
-Manual controlled ships now show an M above their flag.
-Clicking on the sidebar to select a ship in tactical view no longer automatically focuses on it (double-click to focus)

Por: marivs Thu, 26 Mar 2015 17:00:50 +0000 hola hay updates nuevos?

Por: Luis Fri, 26 Dec 2014 05:33:41 +0000 Muy buen aporte gracias, crees que puiedas subir los nuevos parche spara jugar con las otras 2 naciones o sabes como se desbloquean gracias de nuevo y saludos.

Por: jimmy_criptoy Wed, 13 Aug 2014 17:37:51 +0000 @Victory.At.Sea.Update.v1.0.1.Hotfix-CODEX
Update v1.0.1:

Bug fixes:

– Save game meta data is now separate per save file, save games should be more resilient.
– Ports recently captured by enemy aggression can now be retaken.
– Ports recaptured after enemy aggression can be entered once more.
– “No ships left in defence” popup no longer appear instantly at end of port fight.
– Fixed a crash bug on entering port (game hangs showing “autosaving”)

Gameplay updates:

– Torpedo speed reduced by 60%
– Torpedo spread increased (torpedoes will fire in a wide spread if aimed close, narrow spread if aimed further away)
– Torpedos now take 5 seconds to arm and will show “ARMING” while doing so.
– Torpedo boats now always take damage from direct fire hits.
– Torpedo boat “Driven Off” crew panic timer increased
– Torpedo boat weapons now always take damage when it is hit.
– Moving with arrow keys or WASD when in Follow Ship camera mode will switch to Free View
– Ports successfully defended now have a longer period of repreive from enemy attacks.
– Enemy will now wait a lot longer between launching port attacks on low-supply friendly ports (though the somewhat easier “defend nearby port” mission can still fire independently of this).
– Save games can now be deleted by clicking “Delete” in the load game menu.
