Comentarios en: X Rebirth: 2.0 – Secret Service Missions (PC-GAME) En Busca del Conocimiento.... Sun, 15 Dec 2024 20:13:29 +0000 hourly 1 Por: djinnxs Mon, 09 Jun 2014 02:48:31 +0000 Gracias totales jimmy;
Por otro lado a estas alturas no saver ingles es un poco grave no? . . . . . . o exajero

Por: Naza79 Tue, 03 Jun 2014 02:12:18 +0000 Soy parte del staff de español, como el manco que tenemos de organizador de la tarea es una teta el idioma español lo bajas como parche no oficial porque no terminamos a tiempo la traducción, pero no fue culpa del equipo si no del manco alemán que a gata entiende algo de español. El juego si esta en español pero hay que forear el foro del juego para bajarlo.

Por: Garrincha Tue, 03 Jun 2014 02:00:21 +0000 Claro como lo estas comprando, me imagino que por eso te quejas… Muchas gracias Jimmy, gran aporte, aprendiendo inglés con los videojuegos desde antes de saber que era Eternocleidomastoideo

Por: juan Mon, 02 Jun 2014 23:03:18 +0000 y el idioma español, donde esta? que es bastante mas importante que los que vienen? si no esta, solo diré. ADIOS.

Por: libirio Mon, 02 Jun 2014 21:59:48 +0000 gracias

Por: jimmy_criptoy Mon, 02 Jun 2014 20:54:30 +0000 X Rebirth 2.0 – Secret Service Missions now available
Egosoft is extremely pleased to finally announce the release of X Rebirth 2.0 – Secret Service Missions. After considerable effort and with an eye to all the great feedback we’ve received, X Rebirth 2.0 represents a major update for a wide variety of gameplay mechanics.

• New Feature: Three new gamestarts, each with a new cockpit configuration.
• New Feature: Rebalanced combat with three difficulty settings.
• New Feature: Additional commands for your ships.
• New Feature: Autopilot can fly your ship while you are busy.
• New Feature: All new highway flight model.
• New Feature: Most tasks can now be performed without landing on stations.
• New Feature: Full screen HUD detail monitor option.
• New Feature: Clicks on event monitor now open relevant menus.
• New Feature: Map/radar on event monitor.
• New Feature: New ships in Omicron Lyrae.
• New Feature: Huge new Xenon ship.
• New Feature: Four new missile types.
• New Feature: Improved graphics for an even more beautiful universe.
• New Feature: New graphics options and presets.
• New Feature: New start menu scene.
• New Feature: New Steam achievements.
• Added support for up to 8 input devices (now even your pet octopus can get the most from the game).
• Added option to buy replacement player ship cockpit layout from certain traders.
• Added shield damage for collisions.
• Improved responsiveness of main menu and dialogs.
• Improved event monitor with more space for important information.
• Improved positioning of interface elements in first person mode.
• Improved production logic now skips products where the station has too much stock.
• Fixed gamepad mode switching on when axis has non-zero value while at rest.
• Fixed problem with wrecked state of ship/station surface elements not always being loaded from savegames correctly.
• Fixed collectable objects not showing a target element.
• Fixed gates not showing a target element.
• Fixed info points not being displayed at drone launch pads.
• Fixed cases where clicking on larger targets didn’t work.
• Fixed rare instance of mission objective bar being stuck on screen.
• Fixed text field not being reset when closing and reopening trade menu.
• Fixed problems with overlapping/truncated text on first person event monitor.
• Fixed cases resulting in jumping target elements.
• Fixed incorrect text in certain conversations.
• Fixed icon size in licence encyclopedia entry.
• Fixed distance sorting in trade menu.
• Fixed capital ships becoming invisible when boosting while player is close.
• Fixed cases where build icons were displayed without a builder ship in the player squad.
• Fixed missing trade offers for architects with no money.
• Fixed rare case of missing target elements (usually build locations or player owned cap ships).
• Fixed cases where targeting objects using gamepad/joystick controls did not work correctly.
• Fixed trade restrictions menu getting stuck.
• Fixed several causes of occasional crashes.
• Various optimisations resulting in small performance improvements.

