Xenonauts (PC-GAME)
yeah… estos juegos molan mucho…gracias!
Como siempre gracias por compartir Jimmy ¡¡¡
vamos a ver que tal
WOW , X-com esta de vuelta!!!! 20 años esperando!!! gracias jimmy
We have put up a patch that will update your Xenonauts install to version 1.06. Please download the patch from your game shelf at your earliest convenience
Final mission no longer ends prematurely in some circumstances.
Fully disabled a debug module that was trying to contact our servers (we
thought we’d fixed this earlier but it seems not). This sometimes caused
crashes or slow loading times.
Line of sight now updates properly if the aliens open UFO doors during
the AI turn.
Fixed a bug where units could move through doors without opening them on
night missions.
Base turrets have had their firepower upgraded significantly.
Fixed one of the alien weapons having overly high Burst accuracy.
Fixed the autopsy for one of the later aliens giving an empty pop-up.
Final manual has been added to the game.