

Datos Técnicos
Autodesk Mudbox 2012
MULTI4: English, German, French, Japanese | Medicina Incl. | 700 MB | NFO
El software Autodesk® Mudbox™ es una solución primordial para el esculpido digital y la pintura de texturas 3D para los artistas de industrias de juegos, cine, televisión y diseño. Autodesk Mudbox combina una interfaz de usuario altamente intuitiva con un poderoso conjunto de herramientas creativas de plantillas y pinceles para crear entornos y modelos 3D ultra realistas.
  • Esculpido intuitivo basado en pinceles—Puede esculpir modelos 3D altamente detallados de manera rápida y precisa.
  • Pintura de alta resolución 3D—Pinte en 3D más rápido a lo largo de múltiples texturas y canales de sombreado
  • Capas 3D—Puede esculpir y pintar sin afectar trabajos anteriores.
  • Acabados de texturas para producciones de cine y juegos—Realice los acabados de mapas de normales y desplazamientos.
  • Espacio de trabajo para gráficas 3D en tiempo real—Cree modelos 3D con iluminación y sombreado en contexto que imitan con detalle al resultado final.
  • Interoperabilidad—Intercambie datos entre Mudbox, Autodesk® 3ds Max®, Autodesk® Maya®, Autodesk® Softimage® y Adobe® Photoshop®.
  • SDK (kit de desarrollo de software) —Personalice, amplíe e integre Mudbox a sus producciones.

Requerimientos del Sistema
  • The 32-bit version of Autodesk® Mudbox™ 2012 software is supported by any of the following operating systems:
  • Microsoft® Windows® 7 Professional operating system
  • Microsoft® Windows Vista® Business operating system (SP2)
  • Microsoft® Windows® XP Professional operating system (SP3)

The 64-bit version of Mudbox 2012 software is supported by any of the following operating systems:

  • Microsoft Windows 7 Professional
  • Microsoft Windows Vista Business x64 Edition (SP2)
  • Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 Edition (SP2)
  • Apple® Mac OS® X 10.6.5 operating system
  • Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® 5.5 WS operating system
  • Fedora™ 14 operating system

Mudbox 2012 32-bit and 64-bit software requires the following supplemental software:

  • Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 7 internet browser or higher
  • Apple® Safari® web browser
  • Mozilla® Firefox® web browser


  • At a minimum, the 32-bit version of Mudbox 2012 software requires a system with the following hardware:
  • Windows: Intel® Pentium® 4 or higher, AMD Athlon™ 64, or AMD Opteron™ processors with SSE3 instructions set support
  • 2 GB RAM
  • 650 MB free hard drive space
  • Certified hardware-accelerated OpenGL® graphics card
  • Ethernet adapter or wireless Internet card
  • DVD-ROM drive
  • Three-button mouse or certified Wacom® tablet

At a minimum, the 64-bit version of Mudbox 2012 software requires a system with the following hardware:

  • Windows and Linux: Intel® EM64T processor, AMD Athlon 64, or AMD Opteron processors with SSE3 instructions set support
  • Macintosh® computer: Intel-based Macintosh computers with a 64-bit processor (Core 2 Duo or later)
  • 4 GB RAM
  • 650 MB free hard drive space
  • Certified hardware-accelerated OpenGL graphics card
  • Ethernet adapter or wireless Internet card
  • DVD-ROM drive
  • Three-button mouse or certified Wacom tablet


  • To view the Mudbox documentation online, you must have Internet access and current browser software.
  • Apple® QuickTime® 7.0 application program is recommended for viewing the Mudbox Learning Movies.

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