Datos Técnicos
Mathworks Matlab R2017b
ISO | English | Medicina Incl. | 12.0 GB | (R2018a) | 64 Bits
El lenguaje de cálculo técnico

MATLAB es un lenguaje de computación técnica de alto nivel y un entorno interactivo para desarrollo de algoritmos, visualización de datos, análisis de datos y cálculo numérico. Con MATLAB, podrá resolver problemas de cálculo técnico más rápidamente que con lenguajes de programación tradicionales, tales como C, C++ y FORTRAN.

Puede usar MATLAB en una amplia gama de aplicaciones que incluyen procesamiento de señales e imágenes, comunicaciones, diseño de sistemas de control, sistemas de prueba y medición, modelado y análisis financiero y biología computacional. Los conjuntos de herramientas complementarios (colecciones de funciones de MATLAB para propósitos especiales, que están disponibles por separado) amplían el entorno de MATLAB permitiendo resolver problemas especiales en estas áreas de aplicación.

Además, MATLAB contiene una serie de funciones para documentar y compartir su trabajo. Puede integrar su código de MATLAB con otros lenguajes y aplicaciones, y distribuir los algoritmos y aplicaciones que desarrollo usando MATLAB.

Características principales
  • Lenguaje de alto nivel para cálculo técnico
  • Entorno de desarrollo para la gestión de código, archivos y datos
  • Herramientas interactivas para exploración, diseño y resolución de problemas iterativos
  • Funciones matemáticas para álgebra lineal, estadística, análisis de Fourier, filtraje, optimización e integración numérica
  • Funciones gráficas bidimensionales y tridimensionales para visualización de datos
  • Herramientas para crear interfaces gráficas de usuario personalizadas
  • Funciones para integrar los algoritmos basados en MATLAB con aplicaciones y lenguajes externos, tales como C/C++, FORTRAN, Java, COM y Microsoft Excel.
Cambios Recientes
  • Live Editor: Organize live scripts using additional subheading styles​​​
  • Live Editor: Navigate within a live script using internal hyperlinks​​​
  • Live Editor: Filter table output interactively, and then add the generated code to the live script​​
  • Live Editor: Create new and open existing live scripts faster​​​
  • Live Editor: Change case of text or code
  • Comparison Tool: Merge two versions of a live script or function​​
  • Add-On Manager: Install and manage multiple versions of a custom toolbox​
  • Add-On Manager: Save add-ons to new default location
  • Documentation: View MATLAB documentation in Spanish
  • Toolbox Packaging: Install additional software with custom toolboxes

Language and Programming

  • string Arrays: Use string arrays in MATLAB, Simulink, and Stateflow
  • convertContainedStringsToChars Function: Convert string arrays at any level of cell array or structure
  • Enumerations: Improved performance of set operations with enumerations
  • WSDL Web Services Documents: Required Tools Update
  • Functionality being removed or changed


  • boundaryshape Function: Create a polyshape object from a 2-D triangulation
  • polyshape Objects: Specify when to keep collinear points when creating a polyshape
  • RandStream Objects: Generate random numbers using Threefry and Philox algorithms
  • GraphPlot Object: Customize node and edge labels with font properties
  • sinpi and cospi Functions: Compute the sine and cosine of multiples of π


  • Axes Interactions: Explore data with panning, zooming, data tips, and 3-D rotation enabled by default
  • Axes Toolbar: Access and customize a data exploration toolbar for each Axes object
  • Geographic Plots: Create line, scatter, and point density plots on interactive maps and control properties of a geographic axes
  • stackedplot Function: Plot variables of a table or timetable for comparison using a common x-axis
  • scatterhistogram Function: Visualize grouped data as a scatter plot with marginal histograms
  • sgtitle Function: Create a title for a grid of subplots
  • xline and yline Functions: Add vertical or horizontal lines to a plot
  • imtile Function: Combine multiple image frames into one rectangular tiled image
  • Data Tips: Use TeX or LaTeX markup in data tips with improved visual appearance
  • Functionality being removed or changed

Data Import and Export

  • Import Tool: Generate improved code when importing from spreadsheets
  • Web-Based Data: Read from web-based data sources like Amazon Web Services and Azure Blob Storage using readtable, detectImportOptions, spreadsheetDatastore, imread, and imfinfo
  • write Function: Write tall arrays in a variety of formats to local or remote locations
  • stlread and stlwrite Functions: Read from and write to STL (Stereolithography) files for triangulations
  • TabularTextDatastore Object: Import data containing dates and times from non-English locales
  • readtable and writetable Functions: Read or write spreadsheet files without initiating Microsoft Excel for Windows on Windows platforms
  • readtable Function: Manage the import of empty fields using import options
  • Scientific File Format Libraries: CFITSIO Library upgraded to version 3.420
  • Functionality being removed or changed

Data Analysis

  • Vector Dimension Argument: Operate on multiple dimensions at a time for selected reduction functions
  • grouptransform Function: Transform table or timetable data by groups
  • groupsummary Function: Perform group summary computations on matrices
  • tall Arrays: Write custom algorithms to operate on tall arrays
  • tall Arrays: Operate on tall arrays with more functions, including conv2, wordcloud, and groupsummary
  • rmoutliers Function: Remove outliers in an array, table, or timetable
  • islocalmin and islocalmax Functions: Specify a range of data for prominence computation
  • Table and Timetable Metadata: Store custom metadata for each variable
  • timetable Data Type: Save memory when storing row times with regular time steps
  • timerange Function: Specify unit of time to define time range
  • convertvars Function: Convert table or timetable variables to specified data type
  • table, timetable, and addvars Functions: Use single quotes for input names, not double-quoted strings
  • Functionality Being Removed or Changed

App Building

  • App Designer: Add and configure date selection components on the App Designer canvas
  • App Designer: Unified property inspector in Design View and Code View
  • App Designer: Expand and collapse sections of code in Code View
  • App Designer: Export apps as code files
  • App Designer: Locate errors and warnings in your code with the Code Analyzer message bar
  • App Designer: Program apps faster using improved code suggestions and completions
  • App Designer: Control App Designer Code View settings using MATLAB preferences
  • uigridlayout Function: Configure app layouts using a grid layout manager
  • Scrolling Containers: Enable scrolling for figure, panel, tab, and button group containers
  • Figure Interactions: Create apps with custom mouse and keyboard interactions using figures created with the uifigure function
  • Graphics Support: Integrate plots into an app using the axes, polaraxes, and geoaxes functions
  • Tooltips: Create custom tooltips for UI components in apps
  • Deployed Web Apps: Access files in deployed web apps using the uigetfile and uiputfile functions
  • Running Apps in Browsers: Use most modern browsers to run apps in MATLAB Online or as deployed web apps
  • uisetcolor Function: Select custom colors interactively
  • Functionality Being Removed or Changed


  • Startup: Increased speed of MATLAB startup
  • Execution Engine: Index into large arrays with improved performance when using the colon operator​
  • Execution Engine: Faster calls to built-in functions
  • Live Editor: Create new and open existing live scripts faster​
  • Enumerations: Improved set function performance with enumerations​
  • Building Apps: Faster canvas interactions in App Designer
  • Running Apps: Faster startup time for apps
  • sort Function: Sort matrices and arrays faster

Hardware Support

  • MATLAB Online: Communicate with Raspberry Pi hardware board from MATLAB Online
  • Deploy a MATLAB function on Raspberry Pi hardware
  • iOS and Android Sensors: Acquire sensor data when your device does not have network access
  • iOS and Android Sensors: Upload sensor logs from the device to MATLAB Drive

Advanced Software Development

  • Tab Completion: Validate function signature file with validateFunctionSignaturesJSON function
  • Tab Completion: JSON parser for functionSignatures.json upgrade
  • Java SE 8: MATLAB support, providing improved security and access to new Java features​​​
  • Python Interface: Pass multidimensional numeric or logical arrays between MATLAB and Python
  • C++ MEX API: Call MATLAB asynchronously from within a MEX file using the C++ API
  • Unit Testing Framework: Run tests in parallel with more plugins and more intelligent Scheduling
  • Unit Testing Framework: Use external parameters in parameterized test
  • Unit Testing Framework: Sort test suite based on shared fixtures
  • Unit Testing Framework: Explicitly control output display detail and logged diagnostic level
  • Unit Testing Framework: Configure detail level of output diagnostics
  • Unit Testing Framework: Compare values faster when using constraints
  • App Testing Framework: Programmatically choose tree node
  • Performance Testing Framework: Measure execution time of fast code more accurately with the TestCase.keepMeasuring method
  • Mocking Framework: Invoke function upon mocked method call
  • Mocking Framework: Verify interactions on mock occurred in order
  • Mocking Framework: Clear history of recorded mock object interactions
  • matlab.test.behavior.Missing class: Verify class satisfies missing-value behavior contract
  • MEX Functions: Build Fortran MEX Files with Interleaved Complex API
  • Compiler support changed for building MEX files and standalone MATLAB engine and MAT-file applications
  • System objects: Flexible requirements for inputs when calling System objects
  • System object authoring: Use enumerations to define finite property lists in System objects
  • Reference Architecture: Deploy and run MATLAB on Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure
  • Git Stashes: Store uncommitted changes for later use
  • Functionality being removed or changed 
Requerimientos del Sistema
  • Operating Systems: Windows 10, Windows 7 Service Pack 1, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2012
  • Processors: Any Intel or AMD x86-64 processor with four logical cores and AVX2 instruction set support
  • Disk Space: 2.6 GB of HDD space for MATLAB only, 4-6 GB for a typical installation
  • RAM: 4 GB
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[E.MAGNETICO] Mathworks.Matlab.R2018b.WIN64


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