
Datos Técnicos

TeamViewer v4.0.5381 Español
3.13 MB | Spanish | Free License


Compartir el escritorio y trabajar en equipo ahora es más fáciles que nunca: Con TeamViewer puede comunicarse con el escritorio de un socio en cualquier punto de Internet.

Control remoto de cualquier ordenador a través de Internet
Con TeamViewer el control remoto de ordenadores a través de Internet es un juego de niños.

Presentaciones remotas y demostraciones de producto
TeamViewer también funciona en sentido contrario: Muestre a sus socios por Internet su propia pantalla y presente sus soluciones de software, productos y presentaciones.
Transferencia de archivos
TeamViewer posee una transferencia de archivos integrada para copiar archivos de un ordenador a otro. La transferencia de archivos también funciona a través de firewalls.

Historial de Cambios

Version 4.0
NEW: Web browser based access
  • One of the main additions to TeamViewer 4 is the new web browser based access mode that allows remote access to another computer via a web browser
  • Remote control is done by an Adobe Flash 9 component, TeamViewer 4 web connector does not need any ActiveX etc. component and by that will also be usable in high-security environments where browser plugins and executable files are not allowed.
  • The web connector requires a free TeamViewer account (but is not included in the Business licenses)

NEW: Browser based 1:n presentations

  • In addition to remotely controlling computers TeamViewer 4 now also allows to participate in presentations with a browser and nothing but Adobe Flash required
  • Multiple participants are now allowed in a presentation session (up to 2 for the Free version, up to 5 with the Business and up to 10 with the Premium license)

NEW: TeamViewer account system with presence state display

  • TeamViewer 4 offers a brand new account system that allows you to store trusted partners and remote computers in your partner list in order to connect to those partners with a single click of the mouse
  • The partner list will also include presence state display, so you will be able to see which of your partners or remote computers is currently online
  • The accounts are stored on the TeamViewer servers and are by that portable – you will be able to log on to your account from any TeamViewer and even from the new web connector

NEW: Other additions and enhancements
The additions to TeamViewer 4 don’t stop here – there are other major new features in the new version:

  • Remote system information: Get a system overview of the technical configuration of the remote system
  • Performance tuning: TeamViewer 4 is much faster than TeamViewer 3
  • Remote screen resolution: The resolution of the remote screen can now be remotely adjusted during a session




TeamViewer v4.0.5381 Español
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@Sergio Nova 20/06/2009 21:18:13 #1

Muchas gracias por el aporte,,,, Excelente…. muy util y sencillo de manejar…….. yo diria que es un 10 de 10

@jaav 05/07/2009 21:56:59 #2

buen aporte, pero no tiene serial y esta en modo de prueba.

@Hector 22/08/2009 20:30:42 #3

buenas oye ya la descargue pero se me acabo el periodo de prueba, no tendras un serial valido?

@Santander Rodriguez Galezzo 22/10/2009 08:48:42 #4

Me gustaria que me ilustraran como hago para ampliar el periodo de prueba me aparece version de prueba ha expirado


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