Datos Técnicos
Unity Pro 2019.2.8f1
English | Medicina Incl. | 976 MB
Unity es un entorno de desarrollo de videojuegos que en pocos años ha pasado de ser la opción elegida por muchos desarrolladores independientes debido a su sencillez de manejo y bajo coste, llegando incluso a ser utilizado por compañías de renombre Obsidian o InXile a la hora de ejercer de motor y base para proyectos comerciales de envergadura.

La versatilidad de Unity permite que sus usuarios puedan crear cualquier género de videojuego con mucha comodidad. Es posible trabajar tanto con un motor/engine 3D como con un en 2D. De la misma forma, podremos sacar partido de la tecnología Direct3D y OpenGL, así como otras tantas librerías que podemos encontrar creadas por su comunidad, todo depende de hasta dónde queramos llevar el videojuego. Las últimas versiones de Unity, de hecho, son compatibles las versiones más actualizadas de DirectX, lo que puede llevar a la creación de videojuegos con gráficos verdaderamente espectaculares. Y lo que es mejor, a lanzar estos juegos directamente en un navegador gracias a uno de los plugins incluidos dentro del motor.

La versión gratuita de Unity, que es la ofrecida, incluye las prestaciones básicas. Motor de físicas potenciado por NVIDIA PhysX, audio 3D, posibilidad de añadir multijugador, y decenas de otras opciones a todos los niveles. Algunos juegos conocidos que utilizan Unity son, por ejemplo, Triple Town, Bad Piggies, Slender: The Arrival, Dead Trigger, Temple Run, Game of Thrones: Seven Kingdoms o Wasteland 2.

Unity es uno de los entornos de desarrollo de videojuegos más versátiles que existen. Y la prueba la encontramos en la enorme cantidad de proyectos que salen cada día tanto para Windows, como para Mac, navegadores, Android o iOS.

Cambios Recientes
2019.2.8f1 Release Notes Fixes:

Known Issues in 2019.2.8f1
Graphics – General: Project crashes on opening in ShaderLab::IntShader::PostLoad(Shader*) (1184997)
Input: [Windows] IMGUI input doesn’t work in builds when using preview InputSystem package (1183394)
Mobile: Player Settings window becomes blank and starts spitting errors after going to Android Settings > Icon (1177292)
Mobile: [Android] Crash in java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError when application location is changed to SD card on Android device (1181365)
Physics: Crash on block_remove when changing mesh to Plane in Skinned Mesh Renderer while cloth component attached (1162918)
Profiling: “Other” category is not shown in the player Profiler graph if a sample is not selected (1165477)
Scene Management: Enabled Prefab is disabled after upgrading to Improved Prefabs (1138224)
Scene Management: Transform::GetWorldToLocalMatrix crash during first import when accessing Components in Prefabs (1159905)
Scripting: Crash on SortByExecutionOrder after setting up font kerning values when PlayerPrefs.DeleteAll() is called in Start() (1179631)
Scripting: Custom built DLL’s scripts which have classes derived from UIBehaviour cannot be added as a component anymore (1160664)
Scripting: Handles.Disc function performance is very slow in Scene View (1165684)
Scripting: [Templates] Clamp BlendShapes are set to true by default when creating new projects (1148638)
Themes: [Editor] Typing in Project window Search bar during Play mode causes NullReference exceptions (1077389)

2D: Fixed a crash on packing variant atlas after deleting sprite belonging to the master atlas. (1141327, 1181923)
Animation: Prevent users from attempting to add properties in the animation window when the game object’s hierarchy does not match the Animator’s human avatar. (1162335, 1182239)
Audio: DSPGraph: Fixed an error when disposing AudioKernel resources from an IAudioOutputJob.
Audio: DSPGraph: Fixed an occasional crash when disposing leaked node allocation.
Audio: DSPGraph: Fixed deallocation of native collections allocated as AudioKernel within the audio kernel lifecycle.
Editor: DSPGraph: Fixed a crash when exiting play mode.
Editor: Fixed an issue when double clicking on an error entry in the Unity Editor the console did not open the line causing the error. (1171319, 1172857)
Editor: Fixed an issue where a new script was not being opened as a different tab when using VSCode. (1173165, 1174355)
Editor: Fixed an issue with “open by file extension” which caused an exception in editor because simple “system open file” was removed. (1168603, 1178557)
Editor: Fixed incorrect label width when drawing Splash Screen logo list items. (1175164, 1182162)
Editor: [Mac] Fixed a crashes on __pthread_kill when opening a script when there’s no Visual Studio installed. (1173314, 1176160)
IL2CPP: Corrected the behavior of Marshal.OffsetOf for byval arrays of types with 4 byte alignment when they are not the first field in a struct. (1182074, 1183542)
IL2CPP: Fixed an error from the Unity Linker when a type from a different assembly is used as a constructor argument for an attribute and passed to an object array. (1180541, 1183698)
IL2CPP: Implemented the RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue method. (1183866, 1184639)
iOS: Fixed an issue to better handle UnityWebRequest timeouts. (1175344, 1183526)
iOS: Fixed errors with building Xcode project with ENABLE_ON_DEMAND_RESOURCES enabled. (1140420, 1184476)
iOS: Reduced memory footprint and fixed a memory leaks by using a single NSURLSession for all UnityWebRequests. (1177888, 1183980)
Mobile: Fixed an issue that caused a black screen when enabling or disabling real-time light at runtime on Vulkan when using multiple render passes with MSAA. (1144830, 1169514)
Mobile: Fixed an issue where the left stick and right stick thumbs for Xbox and PS4 controllers weren’t recognized correctly. (1163377, 1176135)
Package Manager: Fixed an issue where Package Tests are only added when making a package testable and adding a dummy package. (1135941, 1179576)
Package Manager: TextMeshPro Gizmos Icon appear again after being disabled when Gizmos pop-up is dismissed. (1117690, 1180013)
Physics: Fixed a crash that happened when an inactive child body was unparented and activated. (1123490, 1185613)
Profiler: Fixed an issue with metadata loading from the saved profiler data file. (1150495, 1177570)
Scripting: Editor: After a player build finishes, scripts are no longer recompiled for the editor. The recompiling of scripts was an unnecessary step that existed due to legacy reasons. By skipping this step, finishing a player build now takes a shorter amount of time. (1115674, 1163489)
Scripting: Negative maxdistancedelta should move away from target, not return target like positive maxdistancedelta. (1173400, 1180024)
Scripting: Reduced memory fragmentation when using Profiler Window. (1168484, 1177567)
Shaders: Optimized ShaderGUIUtility.ExtractCustomEditorType by using TypeCache.GetTypesDerivedFrom<ShaderGUI>() (1094991, 1181949)
Themes: Fixed the Rect selecting in the Scene view where it would always pick objects loaded from Asset Bundle. (1158173, 1171889)
UI: Fixed an issue with the UnityEvent property drawer so it shows UnityEvents in private properties correctly. (1178687, 1185173)
UI: Fixed Prefabs with Slider component getting forced out of Prefab Mode in Play Mode. (1173065, 1173862)
UTR: In PlayerConnection and EditionConnection added TrySend(…) and changed Send(…) so it always deliver data. (1160182, 1181136)
Version Control: Fixed and issue with the Asset Store Package Installation wher it sometimes fails when VCS is enabled. (1186510, 1186516)

Requerimientos del Sistema
Para desarrollo
OS: Windows 7 SP1+, 8, 10, 64-bit versions only; macOS 10.12+

No se han probado las versiones de servidor de Windows & OS X.
CPU: Soporte para el conjunto de instrucciones SSE2.

GPU: Tarjeta de video con capacidad para DX10 (shader modelo 4.0).

El resto depende principalmente de la complejidad de sus proyectos.

Requisitos adicionales para el desarrollo de plataformas:

  • iOS: Mac computer running minimum macOS 10.12.6 and Xcode 9.4 or higher.
  • Android: Kit de desarrollo Android SDK y Java (JDK); el IL2CPP scripting backend requiere Android NDK.
  • Plataforma Windows universal: Windows 10 (64 bits), Visual Studio 2015 con componente C++ Tools o posterior y SDK para Windows 10
Unity.Pro.2019.2.2f1.x64.Incl.Patch-SCRPY-www.intercambiosvirtuales.org-2.png Unity.Pro.2019.2.2f1.x64.Incl.Patch-SCRPY-www.intercambiosvirtuales.org-3.png Unity.Pro.2019.2.3f1.x64.Incl.Patch-SCRPY%2B%25281%2529.png Unity.Pro.2019.2.3f1.x64.Incl.Patch-SCRPY%2B%25282%2529.png

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[E.MAGNETICO] Unity.Pro.2019.2.8f1.x64.Incl.Patch-SCRPY

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